Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by Kunkel
Bush and Blair: Rebuliding Of Iraq UN Meeting, somewhere outside Grand Rapids, MI
My name is George W. Bush. And i am the man, im gonna turn the entire Middle East into a gaint waterpark. Ahh my right hand man Tony Blair!
Masa Bush, i have finshed the sweep in search of Sodamn Insane, can i get kiss kiss now, Masa Bush you are so manly and ima gonna do everythangs u says
Shiite Planing Carnage in Desert of Iraq
This is my greastest creation, Prasie Allah, I Muhammad Kimosabi Mustaffa have created a machine the will bring down America i call him Martial Arts Riveting Intutitive Animal or M.A.R.I.A.
DoWn WiTh AmErIcA.....BzZzZt...WaNg...SkEeRt...cough cough. it is hot in this costume muhammad. oh no here comes american troops
6 hours later in a prison in the Iraqi Desert
well muhhammadd, now that ive dressed you in absurd clothes, now im gonna make you perfrom arcane and indecent sexual acts so i can take pictures and send them to CNN
wat can ya do......
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