Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I didn't make any of this stuff up myself. It's all found dialogue. Except "really lame comic". That one's just lame.
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by Laga
Dude. Monkey never gets old. You can shock it, spank it, puzzle it, bar it, see it, do it--monkey is the monkey wrench of the funny.
Case in point. From the front page of
According to advisers and court records, Michael Jackson's wealth is being consumed by lawsuits and an appetite for monkeys, Ferris wheels and surgery.
Regardless of my innate recoil at that man's name, this is still a funny fucking subhead.
I think it's all money well-spent, in case he has to have his brain transplanted into Bubbles' body and run off to join a travelling carnival in order to escape the Law.
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