Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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"LongDongSilver should be banned." -A Prominent Forum Regular "she is offended by his long dong" -RabidWeasle
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(Quit copying me, you son of a bitch!)
LongDongSilver's Comics
05/07/04 - the top ten worst stripcreator users
01/31/04 - goodbye mr cow chips
09/19/03 - a question for boinky33
09/19/03 - oliver stones " 9 11 "
09/19/03 - a l w versus you sack of jews
08/23/03 - on my way to mecca
08/18/03 - longdongsilver knows where he is not wanted
08/15/03 - look at me look at me
08/15/03 - i have your woman on my arm punkrockskaboy
08/11/03 - and the punchline is ....
08/08/03 - LongDongFeminineSide???
08/08/03 - DongBrute!!!
08/08/03 - DongBrute???
07/29/03 - attention homosaurs
07/29/03 - happy gay shit
07/15/03 - startling confession
07/15/03 - crash
07/10/03 - an issue of race
07/10/03 - like the song
02/21/03 - i own a store
12/10/02 - cc 158: cha ching !!!!!!!!!
12/02/02 - cc 157 : rocket boys are famous !!!!!! homosexuals
11/26/02 - worlds greatest comics
11/25/02 - because
11/25/02 - dont look now bedlam but my dick is creeping ever closer
11/15/02 - phallic carrot
11/15/02 - cc 154: vice city
11/14/02 - dongnotes : siddhartha
11/14/02 - dongnotes : lolita
11/13/02 - dongnotes : blood meridian
11/13/02 - cc 153: its funny because its so true
11/11/02 - CC 153: me n brad
11/06/02 - revelation through the screen door
10/30/02 - my favorite card
10/30/02 - friends like you
10/30/02 - benn makk open mic night / a japanese poem
10/30/02 - bohemian
10/30/02 - La Ru Dinero
10/28/02 - spinning
10/28/02 - jizz
10/28/02 - avast ye sub
10/19/02 - bloody battle of forever episode between one and two
10/19/02 - bloody battle of forever episode two
10/19/02 - bloody battle of forever episode one
10/19/02 - it is another unsolved mystery of staggering proportions
10/19/02 - vassago_offspring why are you such a fucking homo?????
10/18/02 - segregationated
10/18/02 - give me props for the reference
10/18/02 - im a brilliant genius
10/18/02 - a farewell to arms in three panels
10/18/02 - stripcreator the movie
10/18/02 - i am copyrighting this technique
10/18/02 - can you find the hidden message to the forumasturbators?????
10/18/02 - silly spankling
10/18/02 - a clockwork orange in three panels you uncultured homos
10/18/02 - thats right luvlies
10/08/02 - the plot to get rid of longdongsilver part one oooh so scary
10/08/02 - cc 146: hummerdas
10/07/02 - the way things were
10/07/02 - they got boners!!!!!!haw!!!!!!!
10/07/02 - you jokester you
10/06/02 - lifestyle choice
10/06/02 - santa treats his ladies right lololol
10/06/02 - one day in the forest ends life affirmingly
10/06/02 - one day in the forest continues
10/06/02 - one day in the forest part two
10/06/02 - one day in the forest
10/05/02 - benn makk confronts yours truly oh no
10/05/02 - sir i would like nothing more than to shake your hand
10/05/02 - forgive me little friend
10/05/02 - say what you will
10/05/02 - a question for attitudechicka
10/05/02 - punkrockhumanitarianboy
10/05/02 - cc 145: longdongsilver throws his hat into the ring of fags
10/05/02 - cry love not wolf you silly goose
10/05/02 - slam bang jab
10/05/02 - oops
10/05/02 - my poem
10/05/02 - i got troubles
10/05/02 - help me please
10/05/02 - rewards contemplation
10/05/02 - love and sadness
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