Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hey all. I enjoy humor, I don't enjoy mindless profanity or typos. Unfortunately, sometimes I slip into the latter instead of the former. Oh well. Thanks all for putting me in your profiles; good to know I'm loved :)
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by Lordfly
Hi there. I'm Sticky McStick. I can be seen ramming a nail into my forehead. It hurts, but pays well.
My odd appearance is due to the fact that my father was a stick figure and my mother was a blue piece of paper. So as you can see--
Wait a minute. So when your mother was having sex with your father... was she having Sex On A Stick?
That's not funny....that brings back very traumatic memories...
Or did your parents break up because they had no "depth" in their relationship?? hehehe...
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