Bluebottle decides to talk to "Beezelly Bub" about securing The Win...
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| Blunebontle, my friend - there is nothing in Hell that could persuade me to give you that win! | |
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| Look Beezelly - I'll trade my soul and ALL my computers if you just let me have that win! | |
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But he just doesn't understand the horror that poor Beezelly underwent...
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| (Tears up contract) Are you MAD? After what Lotus did to me LAST time I tried to exert my authority??? | |
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| But WHY? You're all powerful, and I have the standard contract all signed in triplicate in blood! | |
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...and on hearing the tap of Bitch Boots echoing down the corridors...
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| *Sounds of fear, loathing, sobbing & running away at very high speed!* | |
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| Why do I have the feeling that this is going to get very messy? | |
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