The Day? May 21st 2011. The time? "The Rapture" - or should that be "The RUPTURE"?!
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| The end of the world is nigh! REPENT YE SINNERS! (and send me all your lovely dosh!) | |
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| Here we go again! *rolls eyes* Camping's on the rant yet again. Doesn't he know that NO man shall know the time?! Stupid muppet... | |
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However, God has more to worry about than false prohets...
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| I doubt the two will ever co-incide...but we can't risk *her* getting in up here! Just look what she did down *there*! | |
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| Don't worry, Pops - I'm sure we can arrange it so it never happens! | |
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Heaven doesn't want *her*...and Hell is afraid she'll take over!
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| HA! Fat lot of good THAT statement is - *she* has ALREADY taken over! (Blimey, she's coming...RUN AWAAAAAY!!!) | |
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| Hey Satan, looks like you won't be getting rid of me today. Now, you really must mend your ways...oh, and the fence needs mending whilst you're at it...blah blah blah... | |
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