Compguru and Battlecity Tom arguing.
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| battlecity tom> compguru, heaven and hell do not exist, so shut up before I rip you apart and there's blood everywhere :) | |
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| compguru> sigh... f*ck you, bct, before I tell you what a nigger is and I condemn you to hell | |
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compguru and battlecity tom still arguing
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| battlecity tom> you stupid kid, i will rip you apart from limb to limb and splatter blood everywhere and then spell my name in your blood using my penis :) | |
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| compguru> omg... that is sick u r going to hell for that, child of satan | |
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| battlecity tom> not a child of satan... i am satan :) | |
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| compguru> omg, u r so stupid | |
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