Our Hero just found out that DnD has been cancelled, again..
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| ..where does he get off, going to the movies with his "new friend' from work.. | |
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| Yeah Miko, Alan's hetero street cred just took a nose-dive, although he does have a gf and you don't.. | |
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| Hey man, we talked about that, its because i'm too much of an artis to get tied down... well, lets go back to the seclusion of the Miko-Cave. | |
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| What do you mean "secluded"? As in, somewhere nobody goes, like Canada? | |
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Next issue, flash-back to said B-day party
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| Even more so, we're going to my house.. | |
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| Wow, nobody but you has been there since your last, *ahem*, B-day party... | |
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