The empty seat is for Brad's "girlfriend", I've seen her in person, but I still think she is a figment of his imagination.
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| Ha, I'm Pat and I don't normally hang out with people who don't go to Eat'n'Park before and after every social function, but for free pop and pizza I'll pretend I like Brad. | |
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| Hey Brad, we all chipped in and got you a present, I suggested a tennis ball, because I liked mine so much,but everybody else said you'd like this better.. | |
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| Man, this is the worst party ever, no booz and no Zoo Tychoon. Allen, go get me a computer and some hooch, stat. | |
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...what would you get the guy who has everything, including tennis shoes of levitation?
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| Wow Brad, that sweatshirt and shorts outfit reall brings out the color of your hat. | |
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| You guys *really* shouldn't have... | |
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