Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Quantity over quality, ALWAYS. Two examples of many....., if you strive for quality, you may spend hours creating something that really blows. If you go for quantity and pump out loads of shit in a few days, you're sure to hit a good formula at some point. Example 2: Penis size, if you have quantity but no quality least you have a big cock.
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by Matchy
Spinner takes advice from the Lord of Darkness: Zeus
How can I make PA great this round my darling?
Let me design the site?, give out free butt plugs with sign up?, cut out your eyes?
I've got it! Make people pay! also, do you liek my ghey pants?
What a great idea. Clearleh PA will 0wn this round with half the members gone... may I come on your pants?
1 month Later.......
How did our plan fail?
No idea! do you like my ghey T-shirt?
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