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| Hi...sorry to disturb you, but I've heard from a MANY number of sources that you've stolen my House of Leaves...and if you don't mind, I'd kind of like it back... | |
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| UM, NO! You dumb bitch! Get up outta my face! That book is MINE, aight?! It has a signature in it...a big "Z"...I would know, it's MINE! | |
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| That proves NOTHING to me, other than the fact that you have indeed opened the book. Congratulations...quite an accomplishment for someone as braindead as you. Listen, just let me see the book, aight? | |
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| No. Go away! I TOLD YOU it was mine! *Now, I'm gonna go inside and bitch for a ridiculous amount of time to my pathetic friends about what a bitch you are - even though I know the book is yours...* | |
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| Here! This is MY BOOK! But take it, and if I ever see you again, I'll call the fucking COPS! *Oh god, am I embarrased...Oh well, at least she didn't also ask for the laundry detergent that I stole...* | |
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