Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I cheat at video games, I kill Stickmen. What else do ya want?! Oh right, comics!!
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by MegaStickman1
Now computer, which game should I cheat at cheat at?
X-men Origins: Wolverine ~ PS3
Key: /_\ = triangle, [] = square, O = circle, X = X!
Good idea! Now, the cheats are:
Input during normal gameplay (disables trophies): Undying (health goes down but you never die): [], X, X, [], /_\, /_\, [], O, O, [], R3! Infinite rage: /_\, [], [], /_\, O, O, /_\, X, X, /_\, R3
Dumb ass! Cheating at video games!!
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