Melkor's Comics 05/19/05 - FTC 63 - Du diram dum dot!
05/19/05 - FTC 63 - Bisexual or what!
05/17/05 - RM5 - The Goat that failed.
05/17/05 - RM5 - For a fistfull of blogs
05/17/05 - RM5 - Inspector Pinko
05/06/05 - CC 281: Naked Gun revival mode activated.
05/06/05 - CC 281 : Who dunnit?
05/06/05 - CC 281 : Captain Logical to the rescue!
04/12/05 - Random Layout Comic - The Long Arm of the Law
04/12/05 - Random Layout Comic - Play the Odds
04/12/05 - Random comic layout - Radio killed the innuendo star.
03/30/05 - Logical Faults in Fairie Tales
03/15/05 - CC 278 - Metaphorically Incorrect
03/15/05 - CC 278 - Mario Magdalene
03/14/05 - CC 278 - That seems logical, yeah...
03/14/05 - CC 278 - The second coming.
03/08/05 - WW39 - Next, on CBS!
03/08/05 - WW39 - Thank you, Internet...
03/07/05 - CC 227-Screen Test performed by scotsmen
03/04/05 - You're in the army, now...(part II)
03/04/05 - You're in the Army now...(part I)
04/09/04 - Melkor's obscure Fav songs - Wasp "Unholy Terror"
04/09/04 - Melkor's obscure Fav songs - Wasp "Unholy Terror"
04/09/04 - Melkor's obscure Fav songs - Wasp "Unholy Terror"
04/09/04 - Melkor's obscure Fav songs - Wasp "Unholy Terror"
04/09/04 - Melkor's obscure fav songs - "The Grim Reaper" by game over
04/02/04 - Meat Market
04/02/04 - SomethingAwfull's education with Richard Attenborough
04/01/04 - FTC#29 - Shamelessly going after the Pytton award (epilogue)
04/01/04 - FTC#29 - Shamelessly going after the Phython Award
03/31/04 - I wash all over your silly rules
03/30/04 - I piss all over your silly vegetables!
03/30/04 - FTC #29: Tag - (A modest tribute to Obijo)
03/30/04 - On the scoop
03/29/04 - The restaurant at the end of the Universe.
03/29/04 - CC 237 - Tick tick tick tac
03/29/04 - FTC #29 - Reverse Engeniering
03/26/04 - Its the Unreal Thing - Famous Discworld Quotes
03/26/04 - Its the Unreal Thing - Bad puns galore
03/25/04 - Its the Unreal Thing - Leper Messiah
03/24/04 - The Carpenter Bastard
03/24/04 - Worst Ideas in History.
03/24/04 - Family Tree
03/23/04 - The incredible multi-purpose comic strip! only at S-mart!
03/23/04 - CC 237 - What if MikeyG was a M.A.S.H. surgeon (part 2)
03/22/04 - Bonus 237: MikeyG's Time Loop
03/22/04 - CC 237:What if MikeyG was a M.A.S.H. surgeon?(bad pun ahead)
03/22/04 - FTC# 28 - Relax son...
03/22/04 - FTC 28# - Collect Call
03/19/04 - Its the Unreal Thing - Great Moments in Biblical History IV
03/19/04 - Its The unreal thing - Monty Pytton homage (i.e., rippoff)
03/17/04 - Its the Unreal Thing - Great Moments in Biblical History III
03/17/04 - Its the Unreal Thing - Great Moments in Bliblical History II
03/17/04 - Its the Unreal Thing - Trigguer Happy God
03/17/04 - Its The Unreal Thing - Great Moments in Biblical History I
03/16/04 - The SpandexTastic Adventures of Future Sergay-2
03/16/04 - The Spandextastic adventures of Future Sergay
03/16/04 - Its the Unreal Thing