Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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What people are saying (*): "More fun than a sack full of dead kittens" - Joe Grant "We will go to the moon" - J.F.K. "More contagious than the black plague" - A Rat "He is witty. He is funny. He has style" - A.S. Byatt "There are only two people in the world who would understand this, and they are both me." - A Schyzophrenic "If I had any glands, I might find him funny" - Death "As Stylish as a banana daiquiri" - Terry Pratchett !!Now back with 25% more funny and 100% less hair.!! (*) Not saying anything about me especifically. just saying in general.
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by Melkor
I'm the feces of the species Still you're all in awe
And the casualties in Iraq are only increasing if you dont turn the charts upside down. If you do, then they are droping!
Indeed Mr. President!
I'm something a prophet saw Hister with a rise all fall
Ei Hister. watcha ya doing down there?
Oh, you know. Just chillin.
Obsessed with Lennon Manifested Marx
Power to the Strawberry Fields. We will unite and bring social justice and...or...just ...hum...let it be.
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