Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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What people are saying (*): "More fun than a sack full of dead kittens" - Joe Grant "We will go to the moon" - J.F.K. "More contagious than the black plague" - A Rat "He is witty. He is funny. He has style" - A.S. Byatt "There are only two people in the world who would understand this, and they are both me." - A Schyzophrenic "If I had any glands, I might find him funny" - Death "As Stylish as a banana daiquiri" - Terry Pratchett !!Now back with 25% more funny and 100% less hair.!! (*) Not saying anything about me especifically. just saying in general.
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by Melkor
I'm sorry Mary, your psychoses have lowered office moral . And quite frankly, wearing tin foil on our casual friday's didnt help , either. You're fired.
No! The world must be warned of the impending doom. Satanic forces have alied with the Illuminatti to control our minds by sending X-Rays to our doorknobs!
I'll show 'em, I'll show 'em *twitch*. I'll warn the world, i'll start a website!*twitchTwitchtwitch*
One month later.
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