Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Great Green Gobs of Greasy, Grimy Gopher Guts,
Mutilated Monkey Meat,
Dirty, Turdy Birdy Feet,
Fourteen Quarts of all-purpose Porpoise Pus,
Floatin' in Pink Lemonade!

...And me without my spooooon!

I've won a few contests, a lot of prizes, and even more hearts.

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by MikeyG
This Just In: The Bush Administration, in their first move as the returning administration, moved to pass a bill legalizing Cloning.
Dick Cheney is said to be authoring the bill.
This Just In: Cloning Bill passed, Democrats call it "a desperate bid to silence the scientific community, making this administration more palatable."
Perhaps the Bush Admin is hoping to garner more complacency.
This Just In: Sources reveal that clones of Cheney are already being produced, in hopes of keeping Cheney in hearts 'til election year 2008.
Owned again.
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