Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Great Green Gobs of Greasy, Grimy Gopher Guts,
Mutilated Monkey Meat,
Dirty, Turdy Birdy Feet,
Fourteen Quarts of all-purpose Porpoise Pus,
Floatin' in Pink Lemonade!

...And me without my spooooon!

I've won a few contests, a lot of prizes, and even more hearts.

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by MikeyG
In rural areas, the rates of STD infection are way higher than in metropolitan areas on the whole. So much for unrepentant urban sin being more dangerous than quaint country life.
Well, I knew that was bullshit from the get-go.
And these rural areas are places that you'd expect *under* report because people are ashamed to talk about it, or to even be tested.
And unwed mother rates and teen pregnancy rates are high, proportionally, in ANY low-income area, whether it be urban or rural.
Yeah, for many different reasons.
One of which being that I like to fuck poor chicks bareback.
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