Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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I believe the children are the future. I believe the future is fucked. Have a nice day.
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I Love My Job. Really.
Remember that teacher you had who would have that little vein pooping out of his forehead when he got angry?
And remember how much fun it was to piss him off just to watch?
Yea, fuck you for that shit.
Mister_Owens's Comics
05/04/05 - They Just Don't Know
01/24/05 - Why I'm an Evil Person
01/11/05 - If I May Have the Mic for One Minute....
01/04/05 - It Never Stops
01/04/05 - Answers to Life's Little Questions
01/04/05 - Here's the Plan...
01/04/05 - I Probably Hate You
01/04/05 - A Never-Ending Quest
09/06/04 - I Had This Conversation
09/02/04 - A Brief Look into the Subconscious
09/01/04 - Where Everybody Knows Your Name
09/01/04 - Test Dream
08/31/04 - Time for Inaction
08/31/04 - This Didn't Happen
08/30/04 - Malaise
08/30/04 - Power Tools
08/30/04 - Open Your Eyes
08/30/04 - Comic 69
08/30/04 - Grow Up Already!
08/30/04 - Homos in the Old South
08/28/04 - Kids Know how to Push Your Buttons
08/25/04 - Use Some Common Sense
08/25/04 - Mister_Owens Loses his Cool.
08/20/04 - Manic Depression
08/18/04 - Succumbing to the Wishes of my Students
08/16/04 - Dancing With Myself
08/16/04 - Things to do in Laplace When You're Off Work
08/16/04 - Sexual Politics in the School System
08/16/04 - Ratings!!!!
08/16/04 - Planning Time
08/15/04 - Not Even Worth Reading
08/13/04 - A History, Revisited part 3
08/13/04 - A History, Revisted part 2
08/13/04 - A History, Revisited
08/12/04 - 1 Down, 177 to Go
08/10/04 - The weirdest thing...
08/09/04 - I'm 50!!!
08/09/04 - God I Hate People
08/09/04 - It's a Good Plan
08/09/04 - Poetry Corner 1 Pop Culture Junkie
08/08/04 - Mister Owens makes the quote list (finally)
08/06/04 - One Critique of "A History"
08/05/04 - Because One Person Demanded It!!!
08/05/04 - A history, part VI
08/05/04 - A history, part V
08/05/04 - A history, part IV
08/05/04 - A history, part III
08/05/04 - A History, part II
08/05/04 - A History, part I
08/04/04 - This is me at my most masochistic
08/04/04 - Seeking Answers to Life's Questions - A Crossover Special
08/04/04 - Requiem for a Penis
08/04/04 - Summer Games 2
08/04/04 - Summer Games
05/31/04 - And the school year is over!!!!
04/26/04 - Current Events
04/11/04 - PASSIONate Punishment II
04/11/04 - PASSIONate Punishment
03/22/04 - A Very Special Episode
03/22/04 - Variability
03/14/04 - Fuhgedaboudit!
03/10/04 - Trials & Tribulat-- aw, fuck that.
02/19/04 - In da club
02/19/04 - Mr. Owens institutes discipline...
02/15/04 - After My Recent Accident...
02/04/04 - Proper Testing Procedure
02/01/04 - It's Groundhog Day!
01/29/04 - A View From the Other Side....
01/29/04 - I Love My Job. Really.
01/11/04 - Sometimes the Simplest Answer is the Wrong One
12/24/03 - The Faculty Christmas Party
12/23/03 - Why Does it Feel Like I'm the One Being Corrupted?
12/15/03 - It's beginning to look a lot like Guinness...
12/15/03 - So we have these district-wide standardized tests...
12/11/03 - A Travesty in the Louisiana Educational System
12/11/03 - The Dangers of Teaching Measurement to Eighth Graders.
12/11/03 - Thomas Paine's Got Nothing on This!
12/11/03 - The Unsympathetic Taskmaster
12/11/03 - Two Left Feet, part 2
12/11/03 - Two Left Feet
12/09/03 - Two sides to every coin
12/09/03 - Sucker!
12/08/03 - F*c% it.
12/08/03 - Surprise party.
12/08/03 - Bi--- lingual, that is.
12/08/03 - Taxation without representation.
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