Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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The Corner: Of course we're self depricating, we were raised Catholic.

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by Mocha_Monk
What's up guys?
Oh, you know, the usual. B and I get way too drunk, cause mayhem, and spew witticisms that rely on reoccuring humor, such as the "behind me" joke, and "like jesus".
We also rally around the constant theme of our failed love lives, as Mike enjoys a tortured TA/student relationship with his ex. I'm not judging though, I've got my own female demons.
Most notably so in the case of the party we went to, where B met up with his "might be gay but is getting married" ex girlfriend, which screwed with him, despite his being in love with Chloe.
Also, you're gay.
Like Jesus.
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