Observe child. One faithfull day you will take a liking in these creatures
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| ... and just when I was busy painting my nails, the light turned green! Naturally I took off really slow, probably causing half a dozen car to not make if before the light turned red again | |
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| Oh I just hate it when that happens. You know, yesterday my boyfriend turnes up a whole five minutes late. And he just said "I'm really sorry, forgive me" and that's that! | |
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Really grandpa? I can't imagine. Are they all like this?
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| I just hate men. Say, did you see that movie last night? About the woman who has to fight for her child, while her evil husband screws around and hits her when he's drunk again | |
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| I did. I was so good and so different from those other 5 billion movies with the exact same summary. Hey, my little billy broke a nail yesterday. He didn't even cry. I'm so proud | |
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Without exception child. Without exception.
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| Awww. So cute. Know what I saw just now? A dress I never saw before at that shop but was already at discount price. Just 500 hundred dollars! | |
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| Almost nothing! Shopping is so bad though. I always eat half a cracker while shopping. I'm blowing up! And... Is it me or is it cold here? | |
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