Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Ganondorf vs. Gigyas
Ganondorf! Hurrah!
So...where is my opponent?
I'm right here!
Darn Giygas...stupid air.
Wait...I'm facing air?
I'm Gigyas! Ganondorf, prepare to die!
Don't pollute kids.
Moltar's Comics
07/14/05 - Robotnik vs. Master Hand
07/14/05 - Ganondorf vs. Ansem
07/14/05 - M. Bison vs. Diablo
07/14/05 - Kefka vs. Wesker
07/14/05 - Lavos vs. Liquid Snake
06/24/05 - Sephiroth vs. Vergil
06/24/05 - Revolver Ocelot vs. Dr. Wily
06/24/05 - Bowser vs. Sigma
06/24/05 - Kuja vs. Master Hand
06/24/05 - Robotnik vs. Sin
06/24/05 - Ansem vs. CATS
06/21/05 - Ganondorf vs. Gigyas
06/21/05 - Ridley vs. Diablo
06/21/05 - Albedo vs. M. Bison
06/20/05 - Luca vs. Wesker
06/18/05 - Kefka vs. Mithos
06/18/05 - Liquid Snake vs. Tenpenny
06/18/05 - Lavos vs. Mother Brain
06/18/05 - Vergil vs. Ghaleon
06/17/05 - Sephiroth vs. Ramirez
06/17/05 - Dr. Wily vs. Ultros
06/17/05 - Ocelot vs. Nemesis
06/17/05 - Sigma vs. Andross
06/17/05 - Bowser vs. Pyramid Head
12/14/04 - Link vs. Cloud - Part 2
12/14/04 - Link vs. Cloud - Part 1
12/14/04 - Cloud vs. Samus
12/14/04 - Link vs. Mega Man
12/14/04 - Sonic vs. Samus
12/14/04 - Cloud vs. Sephiroth
12/14/04 - Mega Man vs. Solid Snake
12/14/04 - Link vs. Crono
12/09/04 - Sora vs. Samus
12/09/04 - Sonic vs. Dante
12/05/04 - Sephiroth vs. Auron
12/05/04 - Cloud vs. Squall
12/05/04 - Frog vs. Solid Snake
12/05/04 - Mega Man vs. Zero
12/05/04 - Mario vs. Crono
12/05/04 - Link vs. Yoshi
12/04/04 - Samus vs. Sam Fisher
12/04/04 - Sora vs. Ryu H.
12/04/04 - Tails vs. Dante
12/04/04 - Sonic vs. Ryu
12/04/04 - Vivi vs. Sephiroth
12/04/04 - Untitled
12/04/04 - Ness vs. Auron
11/26/04 - Kirby vs. Squall
11/26/04 - Cloud vs. Vyse
11/26/04 - Knuckles vs. Solid Snake
11/26/04 - Frog vs. Master Chief
11/26/04 - Tommy Vercetti vs. Zero
11/26/04 - Mega Man vs. Tidus
11/26/04 - Bowser vs. Mario
11/26/04 - Magus vs. Crono
11/26/04 - Yoshi vs. Luigi
11/26/04 - Link vs. Ganondorf
11/25/04 - Samus vs. Lara
11/25/04 - Sam Fisher vs. Gordon Freeman
11/25/04 - Ryu Hayabusa vs. Jill Valentine
11/25/04 - Sora vs. HK-47
11/25/04 - Dante vs. Ratchet
11/25/04 - Viewtiful Joe vs. Tails
11/25/04 - KOS-MOS vs. Ryu
11/25/04 - Sonic vs. Terry Bogard
09/25/04 - Sephiroth vs. Sly Cooper
09/25/04 - Vivi vs. DK
09/25/04 - Auron vs. Scorpion
09/25/04 - Ness vs. Jak
09/25/04 - Squall vs. Bomberman
09/25/04 - Kirby vs. Kain
09/25/04 - Vyse vs. Laharl
09/25/04 - Cloud vs. Duke
09/06/04 - Snake vs. Tanner
09/06/04 - Kefka vs. Knuckles
09/04/04 - Master Chief vs. Crash
09/04/04 - Frog vs. Liquid Snake
09/04/04 - Zero vs. Protoman
08/25/04 - Tommy V. vs. Max P.
08/20/04 - Tidus vs. Shadow
08/19/04 - Mega Man vs. Earthworm Jim
08/19/04 - Mario vs. JC Denton
08/17/04 - Bowser vs. Guybrush
08/14/04 - Crono vs. Conker
08/13/04 - Magus vs. Luca
08/11/04 - Luigi vs. Pac-Man
08/11/04 - Yoshi vs. Ryo
08/05/04 - Ganondorf vs. Alucard
08/02/04 - Link vs. CATS
06/05/04 - Chrono Trigger vs. Final Fantasy VII
06/04/04 - Final Fantasy 7 vs. Super Smash Bros. Melee
06/03/04 - Super Mario Bros. 3 vs. Chrono Trigger
06/02/04 - StarCraft vs. Super Smash Bros. Melee
06/01/04 - Final Fantasy VII vs. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
05/31/04 - Chrono Trigger vs. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
05/30/04 - Super Mario Bros. 3 vs. Legend of Zelda
05/29/04 - Super Smash Bros. Melee vs. Final Fantasy X
05/28/04 - StarCraft vs. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
05/27/04 - Goldeneye vs. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
05/26/04 - Final Fantasy 7 vs. Metal Gear Solid
05/25/04 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past vs. Final Fanatsy 3/6
05/24/04 - Chrono Trigger vs. Super Mario World
05/23/04 - Legend of Zelda vs. Tetris
05/22/04 - Super Mario Bros. 3 vs. Final Fantasy
05/21/04 - Super Smash Bros. Melee vs. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
05/20/04 - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance vs. Final Fantasy X
05/19/04 - Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker vs. Metroid Prime
05/18/04 - Starcraft vs. Kingdom Hearts
05/17/04 - Super Mario 64 vs. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
05/14/04 - Castlevania: SotN vs. Goldeneye
05/13/04 - Final Fantasy Tactics vs. Metal Gear Solid
05/12/04 - Final Fantasy VII vs. Xenogears
05/11/04 - Final Fantasy 3/6 vs. Doom
05/10/04 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past vs. Super Metroid
05/10/04 - Sonic 2 vs. Super Mario World
05/08/04 - Chrono Trigger vs. Super Mario RPG
05/06/04 - Pong vs. Tetris
05/05/04 - Donkey Kong vs. Legend of Zelda
05/04/04 - Contra vs. Final Fantasy
05/03/04 - Super Mario Bros. 3 vs. Metroid
05/01/04 - Super Smash Bros. Melee vs. Metal Gear Solid 2
04/30/04 - GTA: Vice City vs. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
04/29/04 - Final Fantasy X vs. Shenmue
04/28/04 - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance vs. Fire Emblem
04/27/04 - Metroid Prime vs. Half-Life
04/25/04 - Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker vs. Skies of Arcadia
04/24/04 - Soul Calibur vs. Kingdom Hearts
04/22/04 - Halo vs. Starcraft
04/20/04 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time vs. Fallout 2
04/20/04 - Super Mario 64 vs. NiGHTS into dreams
04/18/04 - Goldeneye vs. Panzer Dragoon Saga
04/18/04 - Perfect Dark vs. Castlevania: SotN
04/13/04 - Metal Gear Soid vs. Resident Evil
04/12/04 - Final Fantasy Tactics vs. Dance Dance Revolution
04/11/04 - Pokemon G/S/C vs. Xenogears
04/09/04 - Final Fantasy VII vs. Suikoden II
04/07/04 - Final Fantasy 3(6) vs. Mortal Kombat
04/06/04 - Earthbound vs. Doom
04/05/04 - Super Metroid vs. Phantasy Star 4
04/04/04 - Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past vs. Gunstar Heroes
04/02/04 - Super Mario World vs. The Simpsons
03/31/04 - Sonic 2 vs. Shining Force
03/29/04 - Super Mario RPG vs. Street Fighter II
03/26/04 - Chrono Trigger vs. Secret of Mana
03/23/04 - Tetris vs. Galaga
03/23/04 - Pong vs. River City Ransom
03/18/04 - Legend of Zelda vs. Adventure
03/15/04 - Donkey Kong vs. Duck Hunt
03/12/04 - Final Fantasy vs. Pitfall
03/05/04 - Phantasy Star vs. Contra
03/04/04 - Metroid vs. Pac-Man
03/03/04 - Super Mario Bros. 3 vs. Metal Gear
03/02/04 - Surprise!
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