Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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My real name is Josh. Not Lloyd. Not that it really matters. You can all call me Susan for all I care. I am new to this, and only funny on occasion, so if you don't like my comics, you can bite my ass.
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by MongoLloyd
When we last left our hero, he was discussing his ability to bring out the latent schizophrenia in potential lovers.
Awww. Poor Joshie. No one to score with.
Don't call me that. And yeah, I would say poor me.
You'll get laid eventually. Just wait and have faith.
Yeah, yeah. In time. But I want to stop talking about it now, before we go through any more strips.
Why? Too sensitive?
Shit no. I just don't want to look like Agent M. Whiny bastard.
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