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| Feel free to kiss the fattest, hairiest, whitest part of my pock-marked ass you gimpy motherfucker. | |
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| If you keep complaining about retarded shit it will only be a matter of time before I take that fucking cain of yours and beat you to death with it. | |
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| I work fucking 12 hour days. I don't have time for your nonsense. It's not my fault your life sucks. | |
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| It's not my fault that your wife invited her boyfriend to come live with us. It's not my fault that your so fat you can't even get into your car. | |
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| Maybe you should spend less time on youtube and more at the fucking gym. Or maybe you should go all out and drive into that fucking tree you've had your eye on. | |
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| Either way, shut the fuck up and leave my stuff alone!! | |
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