Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Based on actual fictional events with slightly actual people, sorta. Don't forget to e-mail me, Especially if you also have a comic here. also, look at Ajil6's comic. =D
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by MrNoodle
Ahh, its good to be home, now to log on and bug ajil.
"Agil6 has signed on at 12:03 am"
I wonder what the heck..
"Ajil6: Hey Noodle, look what i found in the dictionary!"
\Poop\, v. t. (Naut.) (a) To break over the poop or stern, as a wave. ``A sea which he thought was going to poop her.'' --Lord Dufferin. (b) To strike in the stern, as by collision.
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