Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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some stupid comics that I hope will make some stupid people laugh!
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by MrRevenge
So tell me about yourself
Well I'm going to college right now and I'm getting my degree in medicine. I live in a apartment alone and I'm looking for a cute guy to discuss physics with-
Looks like I ain't getting none on this date. Gotta think fast and get outta this.
I always wanted to live by the beach. That reminds me, I love long walks on the beach and that tingly sensation when sand gets in your feet. Ewwho, it's just so tingly!
Time to go to sensless screaming when the comic has no comedic value whatsoever. Let the flaming on the forums begin.
Suck it cockblock!! You'll never date me alive.
You dick!! You can go die and rot in hell!!
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