To... BE ! -- orNOTtobeTHAT. IS. theQUEStion. whether'tis NObler! inthemind to SUFfertheSLINGS and ARrows ofoutRAGEousFORtune... or. to. TAKEUPARMS... againstaSEA-of-troublesandbyopPOSingEND them?
To - DHIehh - to... SLEEP, nomore. AndbyaSLEEP to say we... END! the HEARTache andthe THOU-sand-NAT-ural-SHOCKS thatfleshis heir to... 'tisaconsummation deVOUTlytobewished. To diieehh... to slee
( DeForest Kelly, and Phoebe Cates as Lt. Saavik )
To - SLEEP-per-CHANCE-to-DREAM. AY, THERE'StheRUB! For-IN-that-SLEEP-of-DEATH what... DREAMS! maycomewhenwehave... SHUFfledOFFÂ this...MORtalCOIL mustgiveusPAUSE. THERE'S thereSPECT that gives caLAM
-ity ForwhowouldBEAR-- the WHIPS and SCORNS of TIME: theoppressor'sWRONG, the... proud man's conTUMEly, the PANGS! ...ofdespisedlove,the - LAW'SdeLAY, the INsolenceofOFficeandthe SPU