Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by NastyPope
Tobor, we need to talk. I have to come right out and say it.... I don't love you anymore, I love another gay sodomizing robot. I am leaving you for Robby the Robot.
You....You......You are leaving Tobor ? You no longer love Tobor, you no longer want Tobor to cornhole you ?
That's right, Tobor, I don't want to be cruel but you just dont excite me anymore. It's always the same thing.. 'Tobor Cornhole this, Tobor cornhole that.'
But Tobor loves little grey alien hermaphrodite with tight bung. Tobor can change, Tobor can become exciting again.
I'm sorry Tobor, I really am. Robby listens to me and cares about my emotions, he understands mutal anal probing.
Tobor can change, give Tobor another chance, from now on Tobor will not cornhole. Instead Tobor will poke your spokes.
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