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| Woe to thee oh mortal who hast awaken me from my great slumber and summoned me away from the city of the Ancients. | |
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| The Bane of Sendati has been wrought, the passage opened. Obey the covenant struck between you and my ancestors | |
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| IMPUTENT MAGGOT, thine ignorance has condemned thee. For thine transgressions shalt thou know torment undreamt of. My servant thou shall be eternal, doomed to be One of the Deep. | |
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| Great Master, I spoke the incantations true. The Bane has been enforced, the rites of Shub-Ygrasln obeyed. The calling of the Deep Voice uttered unerring!!! Grant my request. One question answered | |
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| Thou hast passed my judgements, the Bane has been true, the calling upheld, speak now and ask thy question, for thy hour draws nigh | |
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| Oh Wise and Immortal Ancient by your blessing do I ask the one question to bestow wisdom....... If a woman eats octopuss, does that make her a lesbian ? | |
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