My second thought for tonight is about Sensationalism in the media.
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| Go back once if you dont understand why this is the second. | |
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| And go back twice if you dont understand why this panel is in first person. | |
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If the news is on right now, which it probably isn't, but next time you see your local channel 4 or 7 or 13 or whatever news, look for these three stories; they will appear without fail.
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| Of course, it goes without saying that violent crimes are blamed on entertaining media while informative media is just as influential. | |
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A minor was the victim of or perpetrator of a crime, a vehicle crashed and killed at least one person, and someone was shot. The television news will always mention these.
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| As he couldn't finish, they will then end with an impertinent story about a dog show or similar event, leaving the viewers with a pleasant aftertaste so that they will not be cancelled. | |
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| If your next strip isn't light and funny I'll cut your fucking balls off with a spoon. | |
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