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| I think this strip is getting a little too introverted. we need to open it up to the general public. broaden our horizons, seek out new audiences. Vivid Squid has more to offer. | |
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| Im not entirely sure what you mean. I thought this strip was free for anyone to read? | |
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| It is, but thats not what I mean. It seems to be becoming more personal and less... well... funny. I think only a select few with a dark, keen, cynical sense of wit will appreciate it. | |
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| Oh! I have a great idea then! It will appeal to the general masses directly! | |
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We now provide you with the kind of entertainment we at Vivid Squid feel appeals to 90% of the general populous of the US.
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| So he said fuck off, you diaper-wearing, psuedo-intelligent squirrel! And I said... Your mom! | |
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| Ha-ha! Thats hilarious! I never would have thought of that! | |
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