It's another late Friday night. So Neil gets his lovely fest of porno on Channel 5.
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| Alright! Quality entertainment, dude! | |
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| And now on Channel 5 - "Hot Lesbian Ninjas who accidentally get naked" 67. | |
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| Howdy Neil. I hope you don't mind, but I brought my boyfriend to have wild and endless sex with me. And as you're the only one up, I wanted to check to see if-- | |
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| Yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't care. Unless I can watch that is. | |
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Look ma, no fuck up! Gawsh.
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| Howdy Neil. I hope you don't mind, but I brought my boyfriend to have wild and endless sex with me. And as you're the only one up, I wanted to check to see if-- | |
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| Oh, well... call me when you get him to drink his own piss. That's always fun to watch. | |
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