Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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NetNation entered the Internet disguised as an itinerant grave robber back in the days when DOS daemons roamed the linkways. He promptly set up toll booths on the routers, waylayed messages and sent threatening and suggestive eMail to cops posing as young girls in chat rooms. Recenty released, Net spends his days playing paint-ball with dim witted quadrupeds and telling off-color Internet jokes.

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by NetNation
(With apologies to George Carlin)
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it a hostage situation?
If you arrest a mime, do you tell him he has the right to remain silent? Is it true that cannibals don't eat cops because they taste corrupted?
C'mon. When I get you home, I'm gonna cover you with refrigerator magnets.
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