Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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Profile contains wheat egg milk and tree nut ingredients.

Gallery Video-The Series
Smell of the Limelight
Scrambled Stripcreator
Into the Depths of the Infatuated Mind
Artistic Release
And a very early series of mine:
Geek Pickup Lines

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by NooniePuuBunny
First, a "need" is fabricated by executives to push a useless product.
I got an idea! "The Gravitron Helper" for the rotor turbines that can't generate gravitrons by themselves!
Then that product is advertised on TV...
...It's only $19.95! Remember! Them rotor turbines aint gonna generate gravitrons by themselves!
ooh! *picks up phone*
...which then parts fools from their money.
Honey! I got us a great new product! Now our rotor turbines can generate gravitrons!
What the fuck are you talking about?!! We don't have rotor turbines!
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