Why ask why? When you can just use 10 pounds of C4 to blow up shit??
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| Master Albatross commands that you die. | |
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Hark! The evil rapist aproaches!!
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| hurr0 liTTAL grrl mah n4me iz teh furtim do j00 wantz teh c4ndY??!?@!#$ | |
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| You son of a cock. Wait until I get my brother!! | |
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And so ends the story. Please stfundiekthxbye..
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| 0h SH1TZ teh BRAD PITT!@#! I'M G0NN4 PL4Y TEH B4SS GUITARR!!@!!#$%@#@^#& | |
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| All your base are belong to my massive penis. Behold as I crash this airplane! | |
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