Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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E-mail me at if you need to contact me and can't use the PM feature. My LJ (this link works now): Winner of the Funniest Comic to Computer Geeks Award in FTC #34 (wahoo!) and WW #16 (wahoo again!) and...I got this from CC #247:
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Ouch, I think she's actually hurt.
Ooh, yes Bob, that looked like a nasty fall.
Anyway, onto a different matter. If we believe the prophets of disaster our world could soon end due to global warming or a meteor strike.
And if this topic turns out to be true they may be right. We now go live to our reporter who's on the scene of a very interesting new find.
His foundation doesn't match his skin tone at all.
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