OMG_DaGmAr_6481987's Comics 08/13/04 - Them zombies has a cents of humer
08/03/04 - What I think of the new Oral-B Brush Ups
07/18/04 - A bland comic about the mainstream 21st century male
06/28/04 - Duct Tape Fireworks VII
06/28/04 - Duct Tape Fireworks VI
06/28/04 - Duct Tape Fireworks V
06/28/04 - Duct Tape Fireworks IV
06/28/04 - Duct Tape Fireworks III
06/28/04 - Duct Tape Fireworks II
06/28/04 - Duct Tape Fireworks I
06/28/04 - A Little Tongue Action
06/28/04 - Ruptured is a funny word...har har (snort)
06/28/04 - Knife Infomercials
06/23/04 - BTC #9: This isn't a neud beach, right?
06/21/04 - Another one of those real life convos...
06/18/04 - Quote my fiancée: "In your mind, smile at all your organs!"
06/10/04 - ADD Physics
06/04/04 - BCC #2: The Six-TEE Nine Golf Club
05/26/04 - FTC #36: I can't believe someone didn't take this one yet...
05/26/04 - FTC #36: Makeup malfunction
05/23/04 - Biped ate my airplane so my comic broke
05/18/04 - I Caused the Prom Woes IV
05/18/04 - I Caused the Prom Woes III
05/18/04 - I Caused the Prom Woes II
05/18/04 - I Caused the Prom Woes I
05/17/04 - Yes, someone really said that to me.
05/12/04 - When in Rome...
05/12/04 - FTC #34: So Clippy Together
05/12/04 - FTC #34: Let There Be Light!
05/11/04 - WW #14: Last day of virginity
05/11/04 - WW #14: On my deathbed...
05/10/04 - DaGmAr'Z ThRe HnUdRd AtE TeEnTh(318th) CoMiX
05/10/04 - Dressing like a prep on a dare...
05/10/04 - BTC #4...before anyone steals that joke
05/10/04 - BTC #4
05/05/04 - Err...
04/29/04 - World's Worst Thing to Say On a Farm...Ignorance is bliss.
04/28/04 - World's Worst Thing to Say on a Farm...I think.
04/28/04 - World's Worst Thing to Say on a Farm
04/27/04 - TEH LSAT INSTLAMENT FO DaGmAr'Z HoR StOrEe!!!!11!!1!!111!!!1
04/27/04 - DaGmAr'Z HoR StOrEe PART 4444444!!!!111!!111!1!!!!!1111!!!11
04/27/04 - DaGmAr'Z HoR StOrEe PART 3!!!!!!1!!11!1!1!1!!!oneone!!!!!!11
04/27/04 - DaGmAr'Z HoR StOrEe PART 2!!!!111one!!!11onehundredeleven!!!
04/27/04 - DaGmAr'Z HoR StOrEe PART 1!!!!11!!1!1oneone!!eleven
04/26/04 - Drivin'!
04/22/04 - FTC #29: "My Husband Was Never House Trained"
04/22/04 - FTC #32
04/21/04 - BTC #1
04/20/04 - Prom-ness
04/20/04 - Matchmaking with Brady...
04/20/04 - Finally!
04/20/04 - Spring is in the air...
04/17/04 - It's Sing-a-Long Time
04/07/04 - Having a Baby: Part IV
04/07/04 - Having a Baby: Part III
04/07/04 - Having a Baby: Part II
04/07/04 - Having a Baby: Part I
03/31/04 - CC 238: I had to do it.
03/31/04 - CC 238: Another real life convo you don't want to have
03/31/04 - CC 238: It will remove all of your back hair!
03/31/04 - CC 238: Barf?
03/31/04 - FTC #29: WEER GON 4 MSSPELNS HER
03/30/04 - I Apologize for Comic # 219875...Brady, are you happy now?
03/29/04 - FTC #29: Crap.
03/29/04 - FTC #29: You've been punked.
03/28/04 - This little scene happens about every other day.
03/28/04 - To understand this one, you must read Shakespeare.
03/28/04 - Brady, it's on. I'll just tell you that right now.
03/28/04 - Everyone has a staring problem.
03/25/04 - My Response to Brady's Comic About Me
03/22/04 - World's Worst #10
03/22/04 - I hate my school's administration
03/19/04 - The day we met (-3)
03/19/04 - The day we met (4)
03/19/04 - The Day We Met (3)
03/19/04 - The day we met (2)
03/19/04 - The day we met (1)
03/17/04 - I love proving instructors wrong
03/17/04 - Fun in Computer Engineering Tech I (2nd period)
03/17/04 - Self-esteem problems?
03/10/04 - Fun With Italian Racial Slurs
03/05/04 - Fun with one-hit wonders
03/03/04 - Bootylicious hardly describes it.
03/03/04 - Thoughts on the new Brawny man
03/03/04 - More real live conversations
03/03/04 - Wanna fight, biz-nitch?
02/28/04 - Dagmar gets another comic idea.
02/28/04 - Angsty IS a funny word!
02/28/04 - Children aren't politically correct; why should we be?
02/25/04 - This is how people talk at my school.
02/24/04 - Election 2004
02/21/04 - Ich spreche kein Deutsch.
02/21/04 - A confusing sort of format but it works, I think.
02/21/04 - Untitled for a reason.
02/20/04 - Bus conversations with Hot Pants are very odd.
02/18/04 - In fact...
02/18/04 - I have come to a horrible realization.
02/18/04 - Worst thing to ask in a class full of geeks (my 2nd period)
02/17/04 - Funny How Real Conversations Inspire Me To Make Sucky Comix
02/12/04 - Nice to meet you, Ryan. My name is Pizza.
02/12/04 - Ryan tries to steal Dagmar.
02/12/04 - Unintentional rejection?
02/12/04 - She'll never get to hear it.
02/12/04 - Dagmar gets a singing telegram for Valentine's day.
02/10/04 - Burning computers is fun.
02/10/04 - School Computer Fun.
02/10/04 - Who missed us? I missed us.
02/09/04 - Using the 1946 edition of Roget'sThesaurus (no, really!)
02/08/04 - A little something for what ails (or kills) you
02/07/04 - SCSI Physics
02/06/04 - Making two mountains from a molehill.
02/04/04 - Dagmar rescues Alex 3: They're coming to take me away haha!
02/04/04 - Dagmar rescues Alex 2: For argument's sake.
02/04/04 - Dagmar rescues Alex Part 1: Dagmar Physics
02/04/04 - Another one of those dream sequences
02/04/04 - Error.
02/03/04 - Fight!
02/03/04 - Drool resistance
02/03/04 - Dagmar fights her own battles.
02/02/04 - Hot Pants is losing his patience...
02/02/04 - Questions: Part II
02/02/04 - Questions: Part I
02/02/04 - Limpet Physics
02/01/04 - Lacking Leftovers
01/31/04 - Passing of Time...
01/30/04 - Level up!
01/30/04 - ::sigh:: Not the Castle.
01/30/04 - The Misaligned Sandwich
01/29/04 - Grade 6 Vocabulary
01/29/04 - More background fluctuations for your viewing pleasure
01/29/04 - No, she doesn't care.
01/28/04 - Oxi-what?
01/28/04 - The Portal Fairy.
01/28/04 - Another shot of Alex in his b0x0rz. :D
01/27/04 - Alex needs some tranquilizers.
01/27/04 - Alex goes crazy.
01/26/04 - Dagmar made an oopsie on that last comic.
01/24/04 - What is my favorite color?
01/22/04 - Life is boring. Deal with it.
01/22/04 - The wheel is turning but the hamster is decapitated.
01/21/04 - Ok, I'm back. Now what were you saying?
01/21/04 - brb
01/20/04 - The camp is deserted...hippie love.
01/20/04 - Alex finds Dagmar
01/20/04 - The Conniving Knife
01/16/04 - The bait didn't work.
01/16/04 - The realization that Dagmar & old what's-his-face are gone.
01/13/04 - Alex runs off to save Dagmar.
01/13/04 - Dagmar wakes up.
01/11/04 - She's not a beautiful princess, but works for sake of plot.
01/10/04 - Alex is a doubtful little dood, isn't he?
01/09/04 - Jon is a mellow sort of psycho...
01/07/04 - Jon is bipolar and brother of the Genie!
01/04/04 - Dagmar is starting to like this place.
01/04/04 - Morning fog is gray. So is breakfast.
01/04/04 - The Town Drunk
01/03/04 - A goat.
01/02/04 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH! The black sheep of the group...
01/02/04 - Earth people are so cute.
01/02/04 - Alex confuses Jon.
01/02/04 - Jon meets Noonie
01/02/04 - That Ol' New Year's Smoochin'
01/02/04 - Unlike Beatrice, Dagmar does not hate uncolored cartoons.
01/02/04 - The tour guide
01/02/04 - All those funny little white people
01/02/04 - That purple thing
12/28/03 - Reached their destination???
12/27/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH leaves in search of a bathroom.
12/26/03 - My kingdom for a bathroom.
12/26/03 - Alex werz nys boxrz. n_~ (I had to have an excuse...)
12/24/03 - Noonie terrorizes Alex
12/24/03 - My 175th comic and the plot hasn't even started yet!
12/24/03 - A few months later
12/24/03 - Recount.
12/23/03 - Some sort of Survivor elimination scheme
12/23/03 - Another random turn in the Random Journey! Bwahahaha...
12/22/03 - A Rude Awakening
12/22/03 - Well, he asked for today's special, didn't he?
12/21/03 - The effects of the coffee
12/21/03 - Beatrice makes a mistake. (Oh how horrible!!!)
12/20/03 - One more coffeeless night...
12/20/03 - StripCreator is really messing with Mozilla today...grr.
12/20/03 - Coffeeless Nights (That sounds like a movie title! ..maybe.)
12/16/03 - Time to celebrate.
12/16/03 - I just efficiently covered a plothole you didn't even see.
12/15/03 - The Smart and Social lessons never paid off
12/15/03 - How to be Sociable: Lesson 2
12/15/03 - How to be Smart: Lesson 1
12/14/03 - 3 days.
12/14/03 - Boss Level 2
12/14/03 - Ryan is going to become a serial killer.
12/13/03 - Liars go to hell, LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH.
12/13/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH goes on a cursing rampage
12/13/03 - A fanfic of Brady's comics...Beatrice?!
12/13/03 - Where's Ryan?
12/13/03 - Even when kidnapped, Ryan won't leave Dagmar alone
12/12/03 - To Boinky33, I am a goat cuz I don't play chess very well.
12/12/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH is being reassured by Dagmar(hehe).
12/11/03 - Level 1 Boss pt. 2
12/11/03 - Level 1 Boss
12/11/03 - Reunion of LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH and Alex
12/11/03 - A Fluffy, Frilly Bedroom in the Prison
12/11/03 - Snow can burn?
12/10/03 - Dagmar said a bad word.
12/10/03 - It's a tie.
12/10/03 - The snowman suggests a game
12/10/03 - Dagmar goes to save Alex!
12/09/03 - The prison once again.
12/09/03 - Unsightly Bodily Hair
12/09/03 - Hurrah for mind-rotting books that we "kids" read every day.
12/08/03 - The Possession of Dagmar
12/08/03 - Dagmar's Overly Routine Destined Hero Dream
12/07/03 - Dagmar and her mood swings
12/06/03 - The good old American spirit of Christmas
12/05/03 - No, I am not mad at you, Alex.
12/04/03 - Dagmar is sobbing and carrying on.
12/04/03 - Degected by my #1 fan...My comics suck anyway.
12/02/03 - Time for more exploring (Where are you, Alex?!)
12/02/03 - Traffic jams are naughty.
12/02/03 - Where are you, Alex? I miss you ;-;
12/01/03 - Die Kartoffeln. (the potatoes)
12/01/03 - Puny castle
11/29/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH is unloved.
11/29/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH gets homesick.
11/29/03 - Alex and fire are two things that don't mix.
11/28/03 - Booty Problem Solved
11/28/03 - Missing Pornography
11/28/03 - Ryan has a staring problem.
11/28/03 - Traveling Buddies
11/27/03 - Roleplay in the forest...In English!
11/27/03 - Rollespielen im Wald ...auf Deutsch!
11/27/03 - Die Schlanke Grüppe von LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH.
11/27/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH in the valley
11/27/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH is just fine by herself...maybe.
11/26/03 - And Speaking of Parties...
11/26/03 - The Genie is a Party Pooper.
11/26/03 - At the prison...
11/26/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH and the Genie are leaving.
11/24/03 - Reenactment of the Writing of the Constitution of the US
11/24/03 - Reenactment of the Writing of the Articles of Confederation
11/23/03 - A Comic Idea Stolen From My Sister Noonie
11/23/03 - The Genie Stomps on LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH again.
11/23/03 - The Genie stomps on LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH.
11/22/03 - I copied myelf. Har har har.
11/22/03 - Alex's fanfics of mine are strange, yet surprisingly funny.
11/21/03 - Yes, Today's Comics WERE Supposed to be Numbered Like That.
11/21/03 - Dagmar is Currently Mad at the World: Part 9
11/21/03 - Dagmar is Currently Mad at the World: Part 7
11/21/03 - Dagmar is Currently Mad at the World: Part 6
11/21/03 - Dagmar is Currently Mad at the World: Part 4
11/21/03 - Dagmar is Currently Mad at the World: Part 3
11/21/03 - Dagmar is Currently Mad at the World: Part 2
11/21/03 - Dagmar is Currently Mad at the World: Part 1
11/20/03 - The Space Suit Catalog
11/20/03 - TV Court Cases
11/19/03 - Time
11/19/03 - Don't read this comic.
11/18/03 - Tie Problems
11/15/03 - Stupid Joke #4
11/15/03 - Stupid Joke #3
11/15/03 - Stupid Joke #2
11/15/03 - Stupid Joke #1
11/15/03 - Fluffy little forest animals
11/15/03 - That talk
11/13/03 - Definition and Usage of 1920's Slang: "Spiflicated"
11/13/03 - Definition and Usage of 1920's Slang: "Flat Tire"
11/13/03 - Definition and Usage of 1920's slang: "Bee's Knees"
11/10/03 - L-o-l! L-o-l! That's so fun-ny! L-o-l!
11/10/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH is going crazy
11/08/03 - A New Character is Added on my Little Side Plot With Dagmar
11/08/03 - A Poem for Dagmar: Part II
11/08/03 - A Poem for Dagmar: Part I
11/06/03 - Alex DID prove a very good point in his fanfic of my comics.
11/06/03 - Forget the Tweakings...I'm Just Gonna Make Him a Character!
11/06/03 - Another Slight Tweaking of IB_XC's Comics to Fit my Plotline
11/06/03 - A Slight Tweaking of IB_XC's Comics to Fit my Plotline
11/05/03 - How to Use and Enjoy your Sewing Machine Part III
11/05/03 - How to Use and Enjoy your Sewing Machine Part II
11/05/03 - How to Use and Enjoy your Sewing Machine Part I
11/04/03 - Cabin fever.
11/04/03 - The Genie is Starving
11/03/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH speaks on: "Being Politically Correct"
11/03/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH speaks on: "Hammers."
11/03/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH speaks on: "Complete Losers."
11/02/03 - The real 59th comic
11/02/03 - The 59th Comic
11/01/03 - We ate all of the Halloween candy.
10/30/03 - Dagmar dies of writer's block
10/30/03 - I hate writer's block.
10/29/03 - I'm so glad I'm not stupid
10/28/03 - Booly booly to salami and submarines
10/27/03 - You broke it.
10/27/03 - Booly booly to the sandwich handler
10/27/03 - Let's speak German!
10/27/03 - Let's Speak French!
10/26/03 - The author of this comic can indeed speak German & French!
10/22/03 - Cheese
10/20/03 - Costume Ideas
10/19/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH spells entertain wrong.
10/19/03 - Floating arm
10/14/03 - Celebrate good times come on!
10/14/03 - The goat eats the genie
10/14/03 - Sing-along time
10/13/03 - Staring
10/13/03 - Waiting
10/13/03 - The snowman trys to find a place to put LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH.
10/13/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH yells at the snowman.
10/13/03 - Setting Changes
10/12/03 - The New Game Will Never Ever Ever Work
10/12/03 - The New Game is Still Not Working
10/12/03 - The New Game is Not Working
10/12/03 - New Game
10/11/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH gets another banishment letter!
10/11/03 - Stuck in the South Pole with Hot Pants (as the genie)
10/11/03 - boat
10/11/03 - Dagmar puts LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH in her place
10/11/03 - Stuck in the South Pole with Satan's nephew Ray.
10/11/03 - In the South Pole with a red fish
10/09/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH becomes Hot Pants
10/09/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH becomes a hippie
10/08/03 - Hot Pants spells "trying" wrong
10/08/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH's house is dead.
10/08/03 - You can't get everything at Wal-Mart
10/08/03 - Drugs!
10/07/03 - Introducing...Dagmar!
10/07/03 - Deformations & Mutations
10/07/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH has thought of something.
10/07/03 - Standing on background
10/06/03 - Breathing problems?
10/06/03 - Under the sea with Hot Pants
10/06/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH and Hot Pants escape PART 2
10/06/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH and Hot Pants escape PART 1
10/02/03 - The genie is really Hot Pants.
10/02/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH tries to do herself in (again)
10/02/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH is stuck in the dungeon for 200 years
10/01/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH gets scared.
10/01/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH in the dungeon.
10/01/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH gets kicked out of hell.
10/01/03 - Jacques a dit.
09/30/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH tries to do herself in.
09/30/03 - LZOORUMEKSLKJHUH gets out of hell...I think.