Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Pandeist; and so, a practitioner of Pandeism, a friend to pandeistically inclined Pandas, having panache with a frying pan.

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by Pandeist
I'm obviously just here to accommodate "The Male Gaze"
What in the hell are you talking about?
"The Male Gaze" is a concept in feminist theory that the way women are framed in media is designed to satisfy male sexual desires, and so is oppression of women by men.
That sounds an awful lot like original sin -- you want to classify men as oppressors for being born men, and having the desires men are born with?
I just want to put on some pants and a shirt, it's fucking freezing in here.
That's not an accident. Why don't you try and Pray Away The Gaze?
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