Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Pandeist; and so, a practitioner of Pandeism, a friend to pandeistically inclined Pandas, having panache with a frying pan.

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by Pandeist
So, Bill, what would you describe as your biggest weakness?
Well, Bob, I'm exceedingly honest and forthright.
Bill, I don't think that's really a "weakness."
Well, Bob, I don't give a shit what you think.
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Makin_d_bacon says:

Why is Chuck calling the boss, Bill? And why is the boss calling Chuck, Bob? And how many apples could a woodchuck bob if a woodchuck could bob, Chuck?
posted Oct 12th, 2018 ( permalink )

DBoba says:

I hate them damn questions..once some young turd that was like 20 years my junior was the interviewer and asked me what I "wanted to be when I grow up"..I looked him straight in the eye and said "retired"...and he started giggling and said "wow I never got THAT answer before"...I can imagine the fluff and poop that people had to spin to try to get the BS
posted Oct 12th, 2018 ( permalink )

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