The curtain rises and Kurt and Rap Masta Satan begin the song!
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| Ladies and Gents...this is Rap Masta Satan and he's going to do a duet with me....we're singin Rape Me , but none of you better tape this and send it to MTV for those macho boys out there to watch | |
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| Aight , aight here we go! Rape me my friend , then get back at it and rape me again! I'm not the only one! OH NO baby i ain't! Do it! Oh do it again! You tired? Oh no! Get back at it and do it again!! | |
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Kurt jumps into the mosh pit while Rap Masta Satan feeds his skillz to the crowd
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| Yoyoyoyo when i say Rape you say me! Rape | |
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The song is almost over but suddenly.....
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| My favorite inside source , i'll kiss your open sores , appreciate your concern , you'll allways stink and burn | |
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| Yeahhhhh give it to him Kurt! Rape me! Do it again! Waste me! Taste me! I'm not the only one , uh oh uh oh , im not the only one! Aiiight west side up in here! Gangsta wanksta , rape me! do it again! | |
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