Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by PoopWiper22
So, here is Jesus Christ, a big asshole.. I mean our all powerful lord and savior of the shitty.. I mean beautiful planet Earth. So Jesus, what can you say about your time on the cross?
You know, I've learned a lot during my time. You have to accept society for what it is, and you cant change the way people are. It's like I'm up here, and there is still war and famine...
Yeah, uh huh, sure.
... and I'm just wondering, why go through the trouble if you arent going to accomplish anything. I think this whole thing was a big mistake from the start.
Riighht... yeah, uh-huh. * snicker *
Wait a minute........ SCREW YOU!
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