Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Where there's a will there's a way.

And when there's not there's me.

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by PrimoOoze1138
Not this guy again.
Hey, look at me. I'm Brad Pitt. I was in Fight Club, ya know. And The Mexican. I'm famous.
Yeah. Ok. Can I go now?
Not until you answer me this, shithole. Didja like my new flick? You know, the one where I kicked the shit outta that chick from that Beyond Borders movie?
Actually no. Your acting is nothing more than mugging for the camera and the only good part of that film was when you blew up your house.
Well...I make more money than you do. And I get to fuck famous people. Whaddaya say to that, huh? Asshole.
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