Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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2006, A number, another summer...
Home again...
Hey, little brother, what's up?
Shut up.
Home again...
Jeez, will you clean up this pit, what do you want for dinner, I've got ham, steak, pizza, do you need some new pants?
No mom, I'm fine.
Jiggity Jig.
Same as it ever was...
PrimoOoze1138's Comics
03/22/10 - Santa Claus is Coming to Nazareth
03/22/10 - No Time Like the Present
04/18/09 - Today, I Was the Idiot
04/17/09 - Actual Conversation: Batman in 3D
03/18/09 - Captain's Courageous
03/18/09 - InfoCow on "Infocom"
03/18/09 - InfoCow on "stank"
10/05/08 - WW 61: Curry
09/30/08 - WW 61: The Captain
09/30/08 - About my last comic...
09/29/08 - Sleep-deprived American Lit. Notes
09/15/08 - S.T.D.V.D.s
09/09/08 - I Owe This Man a Drink
09/08/08 - Two For Me, None For You
09/08/08 - Second Opinion
09/08/08 - There's a Consultant's Fee
09/07/08 - Holy Time Warp
09/04/08 - Skin Care Demo #5
09/04/08 - Skin Care Demo #4
09/04/08 - Skin Care Demo #3
09/04/08 - Skin Care Demo #2
09/04/08 - Skin Care Demo #1
09/03/08 - Doctor's Orders
09/03/08 - Happy Polar Bear Day
08/30/08 - Prequel My Ass
08/28/08 - Once you pop...
08/11/08 - WW 58: Paper Trip!
08/11/08 - It's Not the Future Yet
08/11/08 - Alarm Lessons
05/04/08 - What they DON'T pay me to do.
05/03/08 - What means "Stark'd"?
05/03/08 - You Just Got Stark'd!
04/29/08 - Going Home
04/20/08 - A Korean Catholic Movie Based on a Novel
02/24/08 - The Old Star Wars
01/20/08 - National Spill-Your-Drink-In-Your-Lap Day
01/20/08 - Spacesuit Jesus' Costume Problem
01/18/08 - Clover-fags
01/16/08 - All about I's
01/16/08 - Date with a horse-face
01/16/08 - Jurassic Medical Park
01/13/08 - Everyone loves Santa
01/13/08 - Spacesuit Jesus Meets Some Fish
01/12/08 - Blind Date
01/12/08 - Chen's Bogus Journey
01/10/08 - Wrong Code
01/10/08 - And a Side of Fries
01/10/08 - Not China
01/09/08 - Based on a True Star Wars Story
01/09/08 - Wrong Meeting
01/08/08 - Von Krauss Denies Allegations!
01/07/08 - Holy Spacesuit
01/06/08 - Making Jesus cool again.
01/05/08 - Book-learning?
01/05/08 - Angry German Breakfast Cereal Mogul
01/04/08 - BTC 70: BAMF
01/04/08 - From the Guys Who Make Comics...
01/03/08 - It's always a good time to talk about zombies.
12/23/07 - FTC 124: Christmas with Nerds
12/23/07 - FTC 124: Deleted Scenes
12/15/07 - FTC 123: A.I. My Ass
12/09/07 - Not Funny
11/30/07 - Speak Not: End
11/30/07 - What Happened to Robert Altman
11/30/07 - Speak Not: Part 2
11/30/07 - Speak Not: Part 1
11/28/07 - This Week's Meeting: Korea
11/28/07 - Research is not going well.
11/27/07 - FTC 122: A Master Plan
11/26/07 - RCD 10: School
11/26/07 - Nothing works the way it should
06/06/07 - Any Way You Want It.
06/03/07 - 2007: Summer of Fun!
03/14/07 - OPC 33: Jurassica
02/25/07 - OPC 33: Get Back to Basics
02/25/07 - OPC 33: Born in a Marketing Meeting.
01/28/07 - FTC 104: Charity
01/26/07 - And the winner is...
01/21/07 - FTC 103: Courting Robots
01/12/07 - OPC #29: Temp Late
01/06/07 - OPC #28: Undead Snaps
01/06/07 - OPC #28: Return to Sender
01/06/07 - OPC #28: The Insensitive Dr. BreakinStuff
01/01/07 - Something New Year
12/27/06 - OPC: Merry RickmanMas
12/27/06 - So, this is Christmas...
12/27/06 - Random Layout: Dino-Communion
11/10/06 - OPC 23: A drumstick a day keeps your health away.
09/17/06 - Pirates of the Movie Theater: Counter Attack
09/16/06 - Pirates of the Movie Theater: Dead Presidents
09/16/06 - Pirates of the Movie Theater: Iced Waters
09/16/06 - Universal Truths of the Movie Theater 4
08/20/06 - FTC 90: Negatory on Disneys
08/20/06 - Fart Jokes
08/18/06 - Universal Truths of the Movie Theater 3
08/14/06 - FTC 89: Another Christmas Story
08/11/06 - Round Three
08/08/06 - FTC 89: Special Promotions
06/05/06 - XXX-Ray
06/03/06 - WW 50: The 1337 Doctor
06/02/06 - WW 50: Hulk Poetry Jam
05/23/06 - WW 49: Special Blend
05/17/06 - 2006, A number, another summer...
05/17/06 - FTC 86: Template
05/12/06 - He Nails Her
05/11/06 - WW 48: The Worst Ninja
05/09/06 - BTC #53: Template
05/08/06 - FTC 85: Pick up
05/01/06 - WW 47: The Easy Joke
04/29/06 - BTC 52: The News
04/28/06 - The Adventures of Alan-Rickman-Tron: Nemesis
04/28/06 - OC #4: Teh Ocean Comic
04/20/06 - OC #3: Nostalgia, My Ass
04/17/06 - OC #2: The More You Know
04/13/06 - WW 45: Like Mother Used to Make.
04/13/06 - WW 45: Reanimate Her.
04/05/06 - FTC 84: Buttplugs.
04/05/06 - FTC 84: Dad's Got Your Back.
04/05/06 - FTC 84: It's Time at the Bar.
04/04/06 - WW 44: Father Knows Best
03/30/06 - You know who I'm talking about.
03/22/06 - Pet Peeves: Nightly Occurance
03/22/06 - Pet Peeves: Like a Bad Sitcom
03/21/06 - Cave Paintings OR An Exercise in Duality.
03/02/06 - WW #43: Pre-school Prodigies
03/01/06 - WW #43: Fifth Grade
02/21/06 - Birthdays ahoy.
02/20/06 - 49TC82: Incognito
02/13/06 - "You see what I have to live with?"
02/12/06 - BTC 48: The Difference
02/12/06 - Pot. Kettle. Black.
02/12/06 - You might be a complete pervert if...
02/08/06 - Mug the Muggers
02/08/06 - The Many Adventures of Soul Calibur III: Part I
02/08/06 - Is Balderdash.
02/06/06 - A Trip Outdoors.
02/06/06 - The Way of Things
11/24/05 - FTC 77: I thought he was dead.
11/24/05 - And we ate ham anyway.
11/13/05 - FTC 76: Ticklish
10/25/05 - Thank you, Alan-Rickman-Tron.
10/25/05 - Science is always good for a laugh.
09/29/05 - OPC 11: Evolved?
09/25/05 - First-time Blues.
09/22/05 - The Many Adventures of Alan-Rickman-Tron
09/22/05 - Every Tim Burton Movie Ever Made.
09/18/05 - It's topical!
09/16/05 - CC 297: D & R Collectors' Series #4 (thanks to nealch)
09/15/05 - Raise Your Hand If You Get This.
09/05/05 - Thou Shalt Not Covet
09/05/05 - Training Wheels.
09/05/05 - Extenuating Circumstances.
09/04/05 - The Greater Good.
09/04/05 - For the Greater Good.
08/24/05 - He told me to do it.
08/19/05 - Alan-Rickman-Tron!
08/13/05 - The Safari, M2: Through the Looking Glass
08/13/05 - The Safari, Movement 1
07/17/05 - Universal Theories of the Movie Theater 2
07/09/05 - Universal Truths of the Movie Theater
07/01/05 - Conversation of the Day: Mark 2
06/23/05 - Conversation of the Day
06/18/05 - Tex-Mehx
06/17/05 - A very, very simple question.
06/14/05 - He's got a point.
06/14/05 - Scatologically speaking.
06/10/05 - Into slipperier waters.
06/05/05 - They never take these questions seriously.
04/19/05 - New Backgrounds, Ahoy!
04/18/05 - How does he know that?
04/18/05 - Questionable Obsessions
04/09/05 - W.W.J.N.D.?
04/08/05 - A Trip to the Beach
04/07/05 - Back at it again...
04/07/05 - Relaunch
04/05/05 - Tarheels Roll Twenties...
04/03/05 - Sin City shouldn't work, but it does...
03/18/05 - New Astounding Technology!
03/16/05 - College Experimentation: Results
03/16/05 - College Experimentation
03/13/05 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes: Finale
03/13/05 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes: Part X
03/13/05 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes: Part IX
03/13/05 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes: Part VIII
03/13/05 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes: Part VII
03/13/05 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes: Part VI
03/13/05 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes: Part V
03/13/05 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes: Part IV
03/13/05 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes: Part III
03/13/05 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes: Part II
03/13/05 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes: Part I
03/06/05 - Art Is Even Lost On The Artist.
02/06/05 - A Three-Panel Interpretation...
02/06/05 - Three Panels of Evolution
02/05/05 - New and Improved!
01/31/05 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 25
01/31/05 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 24
01/31/05 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 23
01/31/05 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 22
01/31/05 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 21
01/31/05 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 20
01/31/05 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 19
01/31/05 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 18
12/23/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 17
12/23/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 16
12/23/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 15
12/23/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 14
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 13
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 12
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 11
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 10
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 9
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 8
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 7
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 6
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 5
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 4
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 3
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 2
12/19/04 - A Red Reindeer Christmas: Part 1
12/18/04 - Have a Patrick Swayze Christmas.
12/08/04 - Stripcreator, The Show: Series Finale
12/06/04 - Stripcreator, The Show: The Clipshow
12/06/04 - Stripcreator, The Show: Pilot.
12/01/04 - The Yule-tide is out today.
11/26/04 - Evolver: The Movie
11/25/04 - Turkey Day Challenge
11/24/04 - City Moniker Face-Off
11/14/04 - A Note to All Artists.
11/14/04 - Halo Deux Destroys Society, Part VI: Not Really
11/12/04 - Halo Deux Destroys Society, Part V: Interpretation
11/12/04 - Halo Deux Destroys Society, Part IV: Strategery
11/12/04 - Halo Deux Destroys Society, Part III: The Missing
11/11/04 - Halo Deux Destroys Society, Part II: The Theory
11/10/04 - Halo Deux Destroys Society: Part I
11/10/04 - Marketing Ploys Never Sounded so Bad
10/16/04 - Buffet-O-Rama
10/14/04 - Attack of the Small Creatures Part IX: Morality
10/14/04 - Attack of the Small Creatures Part VIII: The Smell of Fear
10/14/04 - Attack of the Small Creatures Part VII: Divine Jurisdiction
10/14/04 - Albert Einstein Once Said...
10/14/04 - Why Justin is Going to Hell
10/13/04 - Attack of the Small Creatures Part VI: The Sinister Urge
10/13/04 - Attack of the Small Creatures Part V: The Creeping Death
10/13/04 - Attack of the Small Creatures Part IV: Bloodlust
10/13/04 - Attack of the Small Creatures Part III: The Hands of Fate
10/04/04 - Attack of the Small Creatures Part II: Red Dawn
09/29/04 - Attack of the Small Creatures
09/29/04 - I've never seen so many butts in my life.
09/26/04 - "The Old Dipsy Doodle."
09/21/04 - We're gonna need a straight jacket for Mr. Lucas...
09/21/04 - Silly to the 9
09/19/04 - Man-Maid Cleanliness
09/18/04 - Film Rules of Thumb, Part 1: Horror
09/17/04 - Deus Ex Machina
09/17/04 - Shine on, You Crazy Bastard
09/15/04 - I Wore a Hairnet.
09/15/04 - Point of Reference
09/14/04 - Maximum Spoonage
09/14/04 - I have no punchline for this.
09/14/04 - Correction.
09/14/04 - Apparantly, others think little of me.
09/13/04 - And Now, a Public Service Announcement...
09/13/04 - Cthulhu in Crayon.
09/12/04 - Resident Evil: An Interpretation
09/12/04 - Introducing...
09/12/04 - crabs.
09/12/04 - Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo
09/12/04 - The Progression of Not Eating
09/12/04 - Breaking Exposition
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