Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Management Logic.
Hey, clean suit guy, wheres Tech guy at?
He went to lunch because I'm doing his job.
I need him to cover your job.
Why? shouldn't I do my job, and he do his job?
If you where doing your job who would cover his job? He's at lunch.
Where's my fucking gun at?!!
Psyberdude's Comics
07/09/07 - Working hard as a company...
07/09/07 - Harvard Logic
07/09/07 - Top Heavy Decisions
07/09/07 - Where the rubber hits the road..
07/09/07 - Company Structures part 4..
07/09/07 - Company Structures part 3..
07/09/07 - Company Structures part 2..
07/09/07 - Company Structures part 1
07/09/07 - Managers..
07/09/07 - Quality Managers..
07/09/07 - New recruits
07/09/07 - Trouble is brewing..
07/09/07 - Office Pests
07/09/07 - Like old times..
11/14/05 - Management Wannabe.
11/14/05 - Management Logic.
11/14/05 - Juris-my-diction.
10/11/05 - What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #14
10/11/05 - What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #13
10/11/05 - What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #12
10/11/05 - What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #11
10/11/05 - What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #10
10/11/05 - What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #9
10/11/05 - What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #8
10/10/05 - What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #7
10/10/05 - What not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #6
10/10/05 - What Not to ay to a cop when you get pulled over #5
10/10/05 - What not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #4
10/10/05 - What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #3
10/10/05 - What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #2
10/10/05 - What Not to say to a cop when you get pulled over #1
10/02/05 - employee meetings...
10/02/05 - New CEO.
09/26/05 - Corporate Team work.
09/26/05 - A Friend indeed.
09/26/05 - Access denied
09/26/05 - Great party...
09/26/05 - You can check out any time you want...
09/26/05 - When checking out don’t forget luggage.
09/26/05 - the ultimate date...
09/26/05 - The Microshaft Picnic...
09/26/05 - Friends by association.
09/26/05 - Company Loyalty III...
09/26/05 - Company Loyalty II…
09/26/05 - Company Loyalty.
09/26/05 - Friends indeed.
09/26/05 - Flexibility.
09/25/05 - Inter company cooperation.
09/25/05 - Assistant I.S. Guy.
09/25/05 - Union privileges
09/24/05 - The Truth of Marrage...
09/24/05 - Being prepared.
09/24/05 - Closing a sale.
09/24/05 - Corporate communication...
09/24/05 - More rumors...
09/24/05 - Rumor Mill.
09/24/05 - Family Plans.
09/24/05 - I.S.-Tech Rivalry.
09/24/05 - Union Vs Non-Union.
09/24/05 - Non-union Guy.
09/24/05 - It's all about the games we play.
09/24/05 - Pressure on Tech Dude.
09/24/05 - Union Tech Dude.
09/24/05 - Know your job!
09/24/05 - Office dynamics.
09/24/05 - Back at the water cooler.
09/24/05 - A job well done!
09/24/05 - Trip request.
09/24/05 - Always stay busy!
09/24/05 - Impressing the manager..
09/24/05 - Management meets the stoner.
09/24/05 - Judgment calls...
09/24/05 - Employee morale...
09/24/05 - Management Decision.
09/24/05 - Back to normal.
09/24/05 - IS Guy meets the new employee.
09/24/05 - management Charm.
09/24/05 - Under new management.
09/23/05 - It Hits the fan!
09/23/05 - IS Guy has his day.
09/23/05 - IS Guy needing an appointment.
09/23/05 - IS guy, morning after...
09/23/05 - IS guy Gives up.
09/23/05 - IS Guy on a mission!
09/23/05 - IS Guy Hits the streets.
09/23/05 - IS Guy Strike two...
09/23/05 - IS Guy swings.. and misses.
09/23/05 - IS guy revelation.
09/23/05 - Manditory Drug Policy
09/23/05 - Dressed for work.
09/23/05 - Office Chicks.
09/23/05 - The IS guy
09/23/05 - Middle manager being productive.
09/23/05 - Office Dynamics.
09/22/05 - Work is great
09/22/05 - New Procedures.
09/22/05 - New Procedures.
09/22/05 - New procedures...
09/22/05 - Productivity
09/22/05 - New Middle manager.
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