Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I'm not funny. I won't claim to be. And if you want to make any sense of most of my comics, go read my friend southlondons comics. He's the guy im bitching at in most of mine....
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by QueenB
Ma'am? Operation: Tyrant has been commenced. The death squads are storming every major city as we speak.
Good work, Rufus. I'll make a Second-In-Command out of you yet. Now, go begin phase two. I have to see a man about a plan. No rest for the wicked, and as for those of us who are just evil, well...
God, those people were my friends. Can I really do this to them?
Oh hell yes. Stand aside, conscience, i'm coming through.
Is everything prepared? Can I play my new game yet? ---------------> Good. Then why not let them out to play? Go make mama proud, kiddiewinks....
Yes, Your grand Worshipfulness. The genetic sequencing went well, and the cultivation is complete. Your babies are ready....
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