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| Ma'am? Operation: Tyrant has been commenced. The death squads are storming every major city as we speak. | |
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| Good work, Rufus. I'll make a Second-In-Command out of you yet. Now, go begin phase two. I have to see a man about a plan. No rest for the wicked, and as for those of us who are just evil, well... | |
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| God, those people were my friends. Can I really do this to them? | |
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| Oh hell yes. Stand aside, conscience, i'm coming through. | |
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| Is everything prepared? Can I play my new game yet? ---------------> Good. Then why not let them out to play? Go make mama proud, kiddiewinks.... | |
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| Yes, Your grand Worshipfulness. The genetic sequencing went well, and the cultivation is complete. Your babies are ready.... | |
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