Leaving alternate Robyn in charge of the torture, Queen Robyn took a quick trip to the dungeons....
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| Jade, darling, I didn't know this was gonna happen, i'm sorry! | |
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| Tony, the thing was wearing your face, it's your fault. And you know, the least you could do to make up for it is to get that wanker over there to shut up... | |
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| If all of you imbeciles would stop arguing and just do as I tell you, I could get out of here a lot quicker! | |
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| Peter, you forget, you're nothing but a tramp to them. And you know what, i'm a bit sick of taking your orders as well. You might be top of the pyramid, but you're not the boss of me... | |
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| Zzzz - Look, guys, some of us are trying to sleep over here!! | |
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| Chaos, panic and disorder, my work here is done... | |
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