In conclusion.... Robyn won the war, obviously. The rebel alliance were completely unable to stand against the force of her clone army, and surrendered within minutes of losing their primary base.
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| I think the words, "Mwah hah hah hah ha!" would be appropriate here. | |
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| Yeah, yeah, you won, we lost, blahdy blah. Happy? | |
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Robyn bitchslapped the rebels back through the portal to earth, reversing the genetic alterations she had made to certain people and forcing them all out of her kingdom.
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| Well, Cottontail, it's been real fun, but you'll understand of course if i choose not to follow your sore asses home, hmm? | |
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| Stay here and rule your little hell hole if you must. You'll be missing out on lots of fun at home though... | |
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And with a final cackle...
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| I doubt it somehow. But hey, you ever feel the need to torture and maim, give me a call and i'll let you back for a while if you want. Ciao, bunny boy. | |
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| Bye Robyn. It was nice knowing you. Sometimes. Oh, who am I kidding? You're pure evil, but i'll miss you. Anyway, see you around... | |
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