RedfeatheR's Comics 01/13/17 - Slide your Joy-Cons off this Witch
03/31/16 - Birth O'er a Gas Station
03/11/16 - Before the "I am"
11/04/14 - Voting Day
10/02/14 -
10/02/14 - The Trouble with Tripples
09/20/14 - Sro Snop Sruo
04/15/13 - Hammered on the Cross
11/21/12 - Santa Later Chortled in Surprise
11/20/12 - Nailing the Budget
08/25/11 - Titsnaked
06/29/11 - The Wiley Chef
06/28/11 - -i-ja
06/28/11 - His Father's Mouth Was Open
06/27/11 - Ahmed: The Head of Terror: The Motion Picture
06/24/11 - But it's Fwhyday
06/22/11 - God is Salty
06/17/11 - Hosin' Hoes 'n' Pimp
06/17/11 - Why Harriet Tubman went to Hell
06/17/11 - Mr. Popper's Penguins
06/17/11 - Slavery, Fun, Demented, and Fundamental
06/02/11 - Caffiend
06/01/11 - Flubberbys
09/12/09 - The Death of Humor
05/13/09 - Is it in you?
12/23/08 - Teaching
12/14/08 - Things Muntadar al-Zeidi SHOULD have said... II
12/14/08 - Things Muntadar al-Zeidi SHOULD have said...
12/01/08 - R.I.P. Brad Sucks
11/13/08 - iNnoying
11/11/08 - Veteran's Day
11/05/08 - Ed's Knife's Edge XII - Obullshit
10/14/08 - MyX
10/10/08 - God's Will II
10/09/08 - God's Will
10/03/08 - iRape Palin
09/28/08 - crabby ratge
09/15/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster: IKE WATCH
09/13/08 - Hurricane Ike
09/08/08 - Pray Away the Gay
08/24/08 - Naked Necessities
08/10/08 - The Cruddy Professer
07/29/08 - Church of Christ VII
07/29/08 - Church of Christ VI
07/29/08 - Church of Christ V
07/29/08 - Church of Christ IV
07/29/08 - Church of Christ III
07/29/08 - Church of Christ II
07/29/08 - Church of Christ
07/28/08 - Schwanz in A minor, Op. 69
07/25/08 - You would think it impossible...
07/06/08 - Mad Chatter
07/01/08 - Sausage Advice
06/30/08 - The origin of "Cornhole"
06/23/08 - God Ilk?
06/23/08 - 7 words you can't say in Heaven
06/22/08 - Mars Nuttsacks!
06/18/08 - A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
05/15/08 - Crazy Maxwell
04/29/08 -
04/27/08 - You have ODDS
04/05/08 - MLK's Death: 40 Years later
03/25/08 - If it's not lead paint...
02/18/08 - How the movie should have been: The Right Stuff
01/27/08 - Slip a Mickey through her window
01/26/08 - Nietzsche Ninja
01/22/08 - Marlborenouncing Man
01/22/08 - Death Ledger
01/12/08 - C.O.Denied
01/12/08 - Pore Girl
12/13/07 - Maraca Macabre
11/30/07 - Starfucks: The Way I See It III
11/20/07 - Starfucks: The Way I See It II
11/19/07 - Starfucks: The Way I See It
11/04/07 - The 18 year sentence
10/14/07 - Choad's Streak of Doods
10/06/07 - Jesus KY-rist or Ch-wrist?
09/08/07 - SuperBrad III
09/06/07 - Red got the iPhone III
09/05/07 - Red got the iPhone II
08/27/07 - Backing Bush
08/22/07 - HibernA+tion
08/19/07 - Ivy's greatest wish and worst nightmare in one panel
08/18/07 - Ever have one of those nights? II
08/16/07 - A Cute Chat
08/16/07 - Babies Live
08/16/07 -
08/09/07 - Two pigs in front of a barn
08/06/07 - YM IV
08/06/07 - YM III
08/06/07 - YM II
08/06/07 - YM I
08/06/07 - OooooOOOHHH BOY! Time for teh corniness! III.V
08/05/07 - Scofflaw VII
08/02/07 - Brainfarts
08/02/07 - Aly and AJ ride again
07/30/07 - Ragmort
07/28/07 - RedfeatheR's Rage
07/25/07 - Plate Pandemic
07/19/07 - Famous Last Words
07/16/07 - The Mega Lebowski
07/08/07 - The MetaKnight
07/06/07 - Toojoojoojoo
07/04/07 - Happy Independece Day
06/30/07 - "The Fuck-If-I-Know Goblin" consults "Thumbs up Thurgood"
06/29/07 - Red got the iPhone
06/27/07 - Sans-Vocal-Chords Steve IV
06/27/07 - Sans-Vocal-Chords Steve III
06/27/07 - Sans-Vocal-Chords Steve II
06/27/07 - Sans-Vocal-Chords Steve
06/26/07 - The truth in observation
06/19/07 - Schat
06/15/07 - Bar none
06/14/07 - What if "Fuck" meant "Strike"?
06/14/07 - Not Working
06/11/07 - Charlie the Monk
06/11/07 - Non-Delineating Goat
06/11/07 - Little, Metal, Different
06/11/07 - Baby, one more time
06/11/07 - Paper Reams
06/04/07 - Judgement Gay III
06/04/07 - Judgement Gay II
06/04/07 - Judgement Gay
05/28/07 - Memorial Day
05/18/07 - Jerkin' A Bit
05/16/07 - Nagged to Death
05/13/07 - It drives your nuts
05/13/07 - Ed's Knife's Edge XI
05/10/07 - Why God don't date
05/09/07 - No? 'K... Why no entry?
05/01/07 - HCRoyall isn't here... so I do for him this
04/26/07 - Wok Dedog
04/23/07 - A.S.T.E.R.I.S.K.
04/13/07 - Ed's Knife's Edge X
04/07/07 - SuperBrad II
04/06/07 - SuperBrad
04/06/07 - The King Can Die
04/05/07 - Any Man's Biggest Fear
03/31/07 - 3 Years of SC
03/27/07 - Cuntsquirrel Returns Home
03/27/07 - Miracle Shmiracle
03/27/07 - Amy Ficklebitch
02/21/07 - Cuntfused
01/26/07 - Forced Punchline
01/17/07 - Plural Necklace
01/11/07 - The Bored Room
11/07/06 - Smartin shit
10/29/06 - Question ‘er VI
10/29/06 - Question ‘er V
10/29/06 - Question ‘er IV
10/29/06 - Question ‘er III
10/29/06 - Question ‘er II
10/29/06 - Question ‘er I
10/28/06 - Donkeys and horses... and some really big dogs
10/28/06 - The Spelling Bee
10/23/06 - The 59th Street Beatnick
10/23/06 - Little-too-Literal Red III
10/22/06 - Little-too-Literal Red II
10/19/06 - Just a question
10/18/06 - Trouble a booin' in the boo-ivy household
10/18/06 - Little-too-Literal Red
10/09/06 - Back to the Present II
10/09/06 - Back to the Present
10/07/06 - OooooOOOHHH BOY! Time for teh corniness! III
10/06/06 - choadwarrior's Nightmare
10/06/06 - Wait for it...
10/06/06 - Check it Three Times
10/06/06 - 1Up, 1Down
10/05/06 - Tobor's Personal Hell
10/04/06 - Fun at Work
10/04/06 - How long? How long must we see this wrong?
10/03/06 - Why Music Majors Don't Date
10/03/06 - Period Comedy
10/03/06 - "Most Unclean" Renovates
10/03/06 - Through Me
10/03/06 - Loud Noises
10/02/06 - Another Comic About Potential Assraping
10/01/06 - My Comical Romance
09/26/06 - The Wizard Channel
09/26/06 - A day at the Fecal Factory
09/25/06 - BRAFF = Talent
09/23/06 - Gay Tribute III
09/23/06 - Gay Tribute II
09/13/06 - Gay Tribute
09/11/06 - Calvin and Hobbes: The Wonder Years
09/10/06 - Calvin and Hobbes: The Wonder Years
08/23/06 - more dodge ram conversations II
08/15/06 - Tardboy and Finkelman - The Fable of Finkelman VIII
08/15/06 - Tardboy and Finkelman - The Fable of Finkelman VII
08/15/06 - Tardboy and Finkelman - The Fable of Finkelman VI
08/15/06 - Tardboy and Finkelman - The Fable of Finkelman V
08/15/06 - Tardboy and Finkelman - The Fable of Finkelman IV
08/15/06 - Tardboy and Finkelman - The Fable of Finkelman III
08/15/06 - Tardboy and Finkelman - The Fable of Finkelman II
08/15/06 - Tardboy and Finkelman - The Fable of Finkelman
08/06/06 - FPD: God is pissed.. but standing or sitting?
06/24/06 - Groin Up III
06/24/06 - Groin Up II
06/24/06 - Groin Up
06/24/06 - End of Active Service
06/17/06 - McButchers IX
06/01/06 - There's Stiller About Nothing
05/14/06 - Apparently NOT "Apollo 13" tickets
05/14/06 - Solution: Send 'em to 'Frisco
04/22/06 - Scofflaw VI
04/17/06 - Lesbi_kitty and BigFag105
04/07/06 - Fish Shtick
03/24/06 - Ed's Knife's Edge IX
02/14/06 - You might be a gay salesman, but no one is sure, if...
02/14/06 - Happy Valentine's Day RedfeatheR!!! <3 (A TRUE STORY!!!) <3
02/13/06 - Pocket Pals XII
02/13/06 - Pocket Pals XI
02/13/06 - Pocket Pals X
02/06/06 - Lizhard XVII
02/06/06 - Ed's Knife's Edge VIII
02/06/06 - Deaf Sara X
01/16/06 - Deaf Sara IX
01/16/06 - Martin Luther Klaus
01/16/06 - Pocket Pals IX
01/16/06 - Pocket Pals VIII
01/16/06 - Pocket Pals VII
01/15/06 - Pocket Pals VI
01/15/06 - Pocket Pals V
01/15/06 - Pocket Pals IV
01/15/06 - Pocket Pals III
01/15/06 - Pocket Pals II
01/15/06 - Pocket Pals
01/12/06 - My ash burns
01/11/06 - Deaf Sara VIII
01/09/06 - Thank you Sam Kinison
01/06/06 - Lizhard XVI
01/06/06 - The Farthest Side
01/06/06 - The Farthest Side
01/06/06 - The Farthest Side
01/06/06 - The Farthest Side
01/06/06 - The Farthest Side
01/06/06 - The Farthest Side
01/03/06 - The Farthest Side
01/03/06 - The Farthest Side
01/03/06 - The Farthest Side
01/03/06 - The Farthest Side
01/03/06 - The Farthest Side
01/03/06 - The Farthest Side
01/03/06 - The Farthest Side
01/03/06 - The Farthest Side
01/03/06 - Bi Bi Now
01/03/06 - Same Difference II
01/03/06 - Same Difference
01/02/06 - Bacon Gum Bites
12/01/05 - CC 306: AIDS gonna be OK ... the example
11/24/05 - Real Life
11/21/05 - Rite of passage... (if ya know wadda mean)
11/10/05 - Comic Cup XIII: Clueless in Stripcreator part 2
10/30/05 - FTC 75 : Template
10/20/05 - So Ducking Alone
10/20/05 - Comic Cup XIII: RedfeatheR/HCRoyall : Round I pt2
10/20/05 - Comic Cup XIII: RedfeatheR/HCRoyall : Round I
10/19/05 - Crappy Days
10/18/05 - Peephole Salesmen
10/13/05 - Unwittingly Wacist IX
10/13/05 - Most pointless comic ever. But so very much like life
10/13/05 - The Fuck-If-I-Know Goblin (Red versioN)
10/12/05 - Asians Are Asexual
10/12/05 - Segovia Log Book II
10/05/05 - Segovia Log Book
10/03/05 - Sodomy, Myself, and Faint Screams
09/28/05 - Where Everybody Naws and Mames
09/27/05 - Amiture video of men asking for directions
09/24/05 - CC 298: Template
09/20/05 - St. Peter
09/18/05 - The Tail of the Fail to Tell Vagina
09/18/05 - Hide the Office Assistant
09/15/05 - Tyler the interupting cow... err guy
09/14/05 - Mookie Misp Mixup
09/14/05 - It's just common sense children
09/14/05 - Somewhere in Butte, Montana...
09/13/05 - OooooOOOHHH BOY! Time for teh corniness! II
09/13/05 - OooooOOOHHH BOY! Time for teh corniness!
09/13/05 - OMFG USMC III
09/12/05 - Amiture SC III
09/12/05 - Amiture SC II
09/11/05 - Amiture SC I
09/11/05 - OMFG USMC II
09/11/05 - OMFG USMC
09/10/05 - Unwittingly Wacist VIII
09/09/05 - The Wiley Adventures of Dogonball and Master TheClown
09/09/05 - Deaf Sara VII
09/09/05 - I'm looking forward to my trip down there
09/09/05 - Wayne, WAN, and the two man band VIII: WAN's Comeupinstheass
09/09/05 - Peter Paul Almond Joy's got nuts
09/08/05 - Peen is CNN
09/08/05 - Varg and Nergal, the original odd couple
09/08/05 - Menopause Confessions
09/08/05 - Winners go home and fuck the prom queen
09/08/05 - Clown Coll-age Non-specific
09/06/05 - Live from New Orleans - Comic #200
08/28/05 - Insanity Lunacy Madness Dementia, thy name is pumpkin
08/28/05 - Dig yourself a dream
08/28/05 - Dithpicably Detained due to Death
08/28/05 - I think it's lunchtime... We have a winner! I bent my Wookie
08/28/05 - Greg Thompson's Erocktica Live! Sex, Sweat & Rock 'n' Roll
08/28/05 - He killed them... and he liked it... ALOT!!!
08/28/05 - Spaceship pushed in
08/28/05 - Wayne, WAN and the two man band VII
08/28/05 - Wayne, WAN and the two man band VI
08/28/05 - Wayne, WAN and the two man band V
08/28/05 - Wayne, WAN and the two man band IV
08/28/05 - Wayne, WAN and the two man band III
08/28/05 - Wayne, WAN and the two man band II
08/28/05 - You know what the say about big shoes...
08/27/05 - Smite be a bad idea
08/27/05 - Nature's not Natural
08/27/05 - Stop beeing a dick
08/27/05 - Fatality by Fishllashio
08/26/05 - Teddy Grahams Graham Snacks +Fierce Grape Gatorade @ 3:35 AM
08/26/05 - Wayne, WAN and the two man band
08/25/05 - McButchers VIII
08/25/05 - Ed's Knife's Edge VI : Embryo A-no-no
08/24/05 - From Behind Bars
08/24/05 - Quality Time VII
08/24/05 - Shit it and forget it. THAT's what I always say
08/24/05 - OMG TEH JUJY!!!11
08/24/05 - Quality Time VI
08/23/05 - Scared Gay
08/23/05 - Cronhole
08/23/05 - Deaf Sara IV
08/22/05 - Deaf Sara III
08/22/05 - Crankingshaft
08/22/05 - Quality Time V
08/22/05 - Deaf Sara II
08/22/05 - Deaf Sara
08/21/05 - Whore! What? I sit good for absolutely nothing?
08/20/05 - You've got one Dan Gling IV : Living the dream...
08/20/05 - sex.exe
08/20/05 - cod.doc
08/20/05 - Piiiiiiiickllllllllllllllle
08/17/05 - Done.bin
08/17/05 - Chalk Envy
08/17/05 - Lizhard XV
08/17/05 - Quality Time III
08/17/05 - Life's a not fair
08/17/05 - Then Dan shits himself
08/15/05 - Getting lead
08/14/05 - Salsa Commodity (pt II)
08/14/05 - Salsa Commodity (pt I)
08/14/05 - Take me drunk; I'm home
08/14/05 - Get the "Led" areyoutalkingab-OUT
08/14/05 - Japanties
08/12/05 - hhhmmm... Buy curious? Sure, why not.
08/12/05 - Abhortion
08/11/05 - You can smell the fear
08/11/05 - Toilet Humor
08/10/05 - Sport Della Merda: 2005
08/10/05 - Disappointment
08/10/05 - Walmart Sucks That Way
08/10/05 - The Three Keys to Loneliness
08/10/05 - The Future of Hysterectomies
08/10/05 - Unknown the killer
08/07/05 - Scofflaw V
08/07/05 - Old joke gets older
08/07/05 - Swim with the Jeezfish
08/07/05 - Ed's Kife's Edge V
08/05/05 - Fuggin... hell in a handbasket
08/05/05 - Fuggin... hollywood
08/05/05 - Fuggin... women
08/05/05 - Fuggin... the first comic
08/05/05 - eff...
04/28/05 - Nec-Romance IX: Why afterlife dateing sucks
04/01/05 - 2 Mildstones
03/26/05 - What the SEX?
03/25/05 - Nec-Romance IV
03/25/05 - Scofflaw IV
03/25/05 - Ed's Knife's Edge IV
03/22/05 - There's no, "I†in Cyst IV
03/22/05 - There's no, "I†in Cyst
03/14/05 - Ed's Knife's Edge III
01/24/05 - Meggs VII
01/24/05 - Meggs VI
01/22/05 - The Pystery
01/22/05 - Ed's Knife's Edge II
01/22/05 - Snap out while lit II
01/22/05 - Snap out while lit
01/18/05 - Santa's Balls
01/18/05 - COC II "Command Operations Center"
01/18/05 - COC "Command Operations Center"
01/16/05 - Pirates VI
01/16/05 - Pirates III
01/16/05 - Pirates II
01/16/05 - Ed's Knife's Edge
01/16/05 - McButchers VIII
01/16/05 - Finding Emo IV
01/14/05 - Finding Emo III
01/13/05 - Lizhard XIII
01/11/05 - Lizhard X
08/13/04 - Finding Emo II
08/13/04 - Finding Emo
08/12/04 - Lizhard IX
08/07/04 - Meggs V
04/28/04 - Lizhard VII
04/28/04 - Cliché IV
04/28/04 - Cliché III
04/28/04 - Cliché II
04/28/04 - Cliché I
04/28/04 - Frozty
04/28/04 - McButchers VII
04/20/04 - You've got one Dan Gling II
04/18/04 - Meggs IV
04/14/04 - Lizhard VI
04/12/04 - McButchers VI
04/11/04 - You've got one Dan Gling I
04/11/04 - Death Row II
04/11/04 - Death Row I
04/10/04 - She must love playing Jeopardy
04/10/04 - Total Recoil
04/08/04 - One-fund retirement: Buy and forget
04/08/04 - Lizhard V
04/05/04 - McButchers III
04/05/04 - Meggs III
04/03/04 - Lizhard IV
04/03/04 - Lizhard III
04/02/04 - Lizhard II
04/02/04 - McButchers II
04/02/04 - Nec-Romance III
04/02/04 - Lizhard
04/01/04 - Scofflaw
04/01/04 - McButchers
04/01/04 - Nec-Romance II
04/01/04 - Nec-Romance