Akujin meets his 12year old bird
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| THESA GUY LIEKS MY ASS, phroooooow | |
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| hello, want some chocolat, or maybe some soda, i got more in my Van!!!! *fiddle fiddle fiddle fiddle fiddle* | |
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bird gets sexualy molested and runs away
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| thesa man wants me to masturbate him, nooo nooo, THE NO NO PLACE | |
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| NOOOOOOOOO come back, you are the love of my life. *SIGH* | |
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| THIS IS CAPTAIN *cough* ghey *cough* Kain_Rowd, i am arresting you for FIDDELING WITH 12 YEAR OLD BIRDS FFS | |
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| i wonder if i can get a sugerdaddy in jail... *ponder* | |
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