And now it's story time with Orbital... 1... 2... 3... GO!
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| [Orbital] Today boys and girls I'm going to tell you about the dangers of attempted suicide after smoking a garbage bag full of weed. Doesn't that sound fun? | |
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| [Little Jonny] First of all there's only boys here, one boy to be exact and secondly... bite me. | |
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| Back in 1984 I attempted suicide with a hammer, it's called hammercide, haha! Get it! Haha! But luckily I was saved by a friendly dog wearing a speedo balancing on a multi-colored beach ball. | |
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| [Friendly Dog Wearing A Speedo Balancing On A Beach Ball] Bite me! I mean, woof! | |
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| Eat a bag of hell you washed up Canadian stoner! Go take your hippi drug stories some where else! We don't serve your kind here! | |
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| [Republic] Stoners or Canadians? Hehe, probably both. Seriously though Orbital's retarded. | |
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