Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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From the pages of the past I present to you the most retarded moments events and people in history!
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Randall and Edward's Whacky Adventure
Yes, Messr Cullen has a new 'actor'! Messr Flagg still looking his grim self.
Doesn't it bother you that you've shown virtually zero character development from Twilight to Breaking Dawn?
Eh, maybe.
But hey, at least I never miraculously survived a nuclear blast only to be killed by a pissed-off spider boy
Yeah. I went there.
RetardedHistory's Comics
02/05/13 - Smart computer
10/09/12 - Kinda true, when you think about it
09/30/12 - The bell tolls for thee
08/24/12 - Crustice League 11
07/09/12 - A little honesty goes a long way
07/07/12 - Pop Culture Vulture
06/14/12 - Melvin and Chen
06/14/12 - Melvin and Chen
06/07/12 - Melvin and Chen
06/05/12 - Fun with Minimalism
06/05/12 - Melvin and Chen
06/05/12 - Flip the Disc
05/11/12 - If adverts were real
04/23/12 - Melvin and Chen
04/20/12 - Melvin and Chen
04/20/12 - Melvin and Chen
04/20/12 - Melvin and Chen
04/14/12 - Melvin and Chen
04/12/12 - Melvin and Chen
04/12/12 - Melvin and Chen
04/10/12 - Melvin and Chen
04/10/12 - Melvin and Chen
04/01/12 - Melvin and Chen
04/01/12 - Melvin and Chen
03/30/12 - Melvin and Chen
03/30/12 - Melvin and Chen
03/30/12 - Melvin and Chen
03/07/12 - Be thick skinned
03/07/12 - Serious Business
03/05/12 - Don't get all anal
02/23/12 - Call of Career CHange
02/19/12 - House and Friends
02/14/12 - Man of Letters
12/14/11 - It's a Harregory!!!
12/11/11 - DavCam's wild ride
12/07/11 - Crustice League 10
12/07/11 - Crustice League 9
12/06/11 - Crustice League #8
11/04/11 - Crustice League #7
11/04/11 - Crustice League #6
10/23/11 - Crustice League #5
10/23/11 - Crustice League #4
09/14/11 - Past and Pervert
09/14/11 - Crustice League #3
09/14/11 - Crustice League #2
09/14/11 - Crustice League #1 (New 52 Pickup)
08/13/11 - Double Barrel Meaning
07/06/11 - Crusice League 16: Flashpoint revisited
06/19/11 - Puns can be dangerous for your health
06/10/11 - Crustice League 15
05/26/11 - Crustice League 14
05/23/11 - Crustice League 13
05/18/11 - Why the KKK will always be retarded
05/18/11 - Deconstructing Stripcreator, one pixel at a time
04/18/11 - Crustice League 12
04/18/11 - Crustice League 11
04/18/11 - Crustice League 10
04/17/11 - Crustice League 9
04/17/11 - Crustice League 8
04/16/11 - CRUSTICE League 7-Or Why I Wish Non-Donors Could Edit Titles
04/16/11 - Justice League 6 (or the 7 if not for typos)
04/16/11 - Crustice League 5
04/16/11 - Crustice League 5
04/16/11 - Crustice League 4
04/16/11 - Crustice League 3
04/16/11 - Crustice League 2
04/16/11 - Crustice League: 1
04/16/11 - Don't Go In There!
03/06/11 - Hip Hop Cop
01/12/11 - The Immigrant's Dilemna
11/17/10 - Randall and Edward's Whacky Adventure
11/17/10 - You Never Go Ass To Mouth
11/16/10 - It rules us all
11/14/10 - Why Demonology was retarded
10/20/10 - Destroying classic jokes
10/11/10 - The truth revealed
10/09/10 - Get in there!
10/09/10 - Celeb-hate good times, cmon
10/09/10 - The glory of Spooks
09/27/10 - Why evangelism was (and pretty much is) retarded
09/27/10 - Mo' terrible puns
09/27/10 - Ouch. Ouch.
09/19/10 - Every Michael Sheen movie
09/16/10 - Why Eugenics were retarded
09/16/10 - Why the American Civil War was retarded once again
09/15/10 - One cure indeed.
09/13/10 - They Call me the Doc
09/12/10 - More Twilight fun
09/10/10 - Sounds fun
09/07/10 - Thinking too much
08/24/10 - Why Jimmy Hoffa was retarded
08/24/10 - You'll get it if you've read it.
08/22/10 - Hey, we all watch it
08/22/10 - Randall and Edward ride again
08/19/10 - The Further Adventures of Captain Ignorant
08/19/10 - For those that bother to watch the adverts...
08/19/10 - Randall and Edward: Undeceased
08/17/10 - Landlord problems
08/16/10 - When you work in an office...
08/14/10 - Ode to Slobedan
08/14/10 - The Adventures of Captain Ignorant
08/14/10 - Groan pun
08/14/10 - Office politics
08/14/10 - Why videogames are sometimes retarded
08/14/10 - St Peter says FML
08/13/10 - What Stephen King really meant, V2
08/13/10 - Yeah, right
08/12/10 - History Class (Or, yes I went there)
08/10/10 - Why Transportation was retarded
08/03/10 - Why Josept McCarthy was retarded
08/03/10 - Why the KKK were, and continue to be, retarded
08/03/10 - Why punk was retarded
08/03/10 - Why the wild west was retarded.
08/03/10 - Why the Crusades were retarded, redux
08/02/10 - Why Genghis Khan was retarded
08/02/10 - Why serfdom was retarded
08/02/10 - What Stephen King really meant
11/19/08 - Why the American Civil War was retarded, again
11/16/08 - Why the Taiping Rebellion was retarded
11/12/08 - Why the Loyalists were retarded
11/12/08 - Why the Indian Nationalist Movement was retarded
11/12/08 - Why Papal History was retarded
10/28/08 - Why the Crusades were retarded
10/27/08 - Why Charles De Gaulle was retarded
10/27/08 - Why the Indian Uprising was retarded, Volume II
10/27/08 - Why the Industrial Revolution was retarded
10/22/08 - Why the Crimean War was retarded
10/21/08 - Why the Brighton Beach Bombing was retarded
10/21/08 - Why the Tudor period was retarded
10/21/08 - Why Columbus was retarded
10/21/08 - Why the Wilberforce Abolitionists were retarded
10/21/08 - Why the Indian Uprising was retarded
10/21/08 - Why the Elizabethan Age was retarded
10/10/08 - Why Charlemagne was retarded
09/17/08 - Why the Chartist Movement was retarded
09/17/08 - Why the Magna Carta was retarded
09/17/08 - Chinese Whispers, or Why the Profumo Affair was retarded
09/17/08 - Why the American Civil War was retarded
09/09/08 - Why the Trojan war was retarded
09/09/08 - Why the Napoleonic War was retarded
09/09/08 - Why the English Civil War was retarded
09/09/08 - Why the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan was retarded
09/09/08 - Why Ivan the Terrible was retarded
09/09/08 - Why the Reformation was retarded
09/09/08 - Why the Peloponnesian War was retarded
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